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Clickbait and 8 more marketing buzzwords you hate

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Marketing
From 3021 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on April 21, 2016 6:46 am
“Grabbing the low-hanging fruit for your viral go-to-market strategy– such as getting an influencer to share your data-driven piece of snackable content– will help your growth hacking efforts aimed at disrupting the marketing industry, especially if you use a clickbait headline to drive traffic.”
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We've put together this list of the best time and expense tracking apps for freelancers. These apps bring together tools to help you keep track of the no-fun bits, from invoicing to expense reporting. Read More
Businesses are wasting valuable time each month in the time-consuming process of managing their mail, according to new GetApp research. Read More
Almost one third of small businesses are relying on manual processes to manage their expenses, according to new GetApp research. Of the small business owners and managers surveyed, 26.8 percent said that they currently use Microsoft Excel while 5.2% use paper-based methods to manage their business Read More
Integrated marketing involves creating a campaign that integrates web, social media, and email promotion along with videos, press releases, and ad campaigns, all delivering the same universal brand messaging across every channel. For the marketing department of a small business, creating such a rob Read More
The holiday season is here, and for retail managers this means onboarding a stampede of new workers. According to the National Retail Federation, retailers are expected to hire between 700,000 and 750,000 seasonal workers this holiday season alone. Here are three ways managers can effectively sched Read More
Does your business need a CRM system? The answer is almost certainly yes. We can't say it often enough: customer service is a fundamental part of any business of any size. Consumers today expect personalized experiences tailored to their needs, no matter what kind of business you run. Even if you a Read More
Whether you can't get enough of Gantt charts, or you've had your fill, project management is a tough nut to crack and there are plenty of ways to go about it. And if you've worked with Gantt Charts, there's probably a good chance that you've worked with Microsoft Project. Read More

Improve Your Productivity With These 10 Wearable Apps - Tweak Your Biz

Avatar Posted by GetApp under Technology
From 3159 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on December 5, 2015 10:39 am
Remember the days before we used mobile apps and we only used to work at a desk with a computer on it? It probably seems like a distant memory now and, while wearables have yet to become mainstream, we could soon reach a point where we’re seemingly unable to be parted from our smartwatch. Given the Read More
While schools and colleges are placing more importance on programming, if you’re already in the workplace, you probably don’t have much time to dedicate to learning new skills. Developers and engineers may have spent years attending classes mastering different programming languages, but this isn’t Read More

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