These stories submitted by MashaKaran will be featured BizSugar's homepage

2016 is nearly coming to an end and the new year is approaching at full speed. Successful people always plan ahead.Have you made your plans for the end of 2016 and 2017 yet?

We have prepared a long list of higher education conferences in Europe, United States, Australia… from all across the wo Read More
The lack of knowledge about money is the cause of most people’s financial problems. So many of us have so much false information regarding money, finance, budgets, debt and income that it is no wonder that most people never accumulate much wealth.

I know people who won’t buy anything if it isn’t Read More
The Enterprise Digital Summit / London is a one-day conference at the British Academy in the centre of London discussing the latest insights and lessons learned from the digital transformation of the organisation.

This year’s edition of Enterprise Digital Summit / London is all about the enablem Read More
Smart people use conferences as an opportunity to extend their network. While keynote speeches and panels can be inspiring and informative, there is rarely enough time to impart in-depth knowledge.
Conferences should be where you expand your network: they’re full of like-minded individuals from yo Read More
Disrupt, Transform, Monetise – Positioning IOT at the heart of next-generation enterprise

Join Internet of Things World at Europe’s most comprehensive IoT Event. The leading forum focusing on case studies that show today’s Industry and Enterprises leveraging IoT technologies to transform their b Read More
What makes re:publica such a unique festival is the active participation of participants, speakers and activists like you.

Imagination knows no limits. After all, and the openness and diversity of topics is one of the hallmarks of re:publica! As before, the topics range from work and education, Read More
We learn from our mistakes. This is an age-old adage that we have been taught since our birth.But do we apply this to every aspect of our lives? Most of us don’t. Project management is not an exception.

These “lessons learnt” need not only be mistakes that we learn from. During each project, the Read More
Do you want to see philanthropy and international aid re-oriented towards community strengthening?

Do you want to learn new approaches to building trusting relationships with community leaders, civil society, foundations, government, and the private sector?

Do you want to be inspired by leadi Read More
AlphaGamma Startups Overview is a monthly overview that attempts to identify promising startups that have the potential to make a difference in their industries. Do you know or run a startup yourself we should look into? Contact us or fill in the form here.

Here are our picks for October 2016. Read More
Uprise Festival Europe is bringing fast-growing companies together with talent, funding, partners and the public. Workshops, Panels, Games, DJs and raucous night-time activities.

What would all of this learning and networking be without some inspiring people that create change in their environme Read More

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