These stories submitted by PASAngelique will be featured BizSugar's homepage

You’re committing your great idea to paper and fleshing out the details of how you’re actually going to start and grow your business. While all of this can seem like a big task, it doesn’t have to be as difficult and time-consuming as it seems. Read More
What kind of employee fits your business needs? Do you need a stable, full-time workforce, or will a few part-time employees suffice? Or, should you just hire freelancers? Read More
If you don’t have buy-in from your partners, your employees, and your customers, you could waste a whole lot of time on branding. Read More
If you love to travel, love planning, and enjoy helping others have great experiences, starting a travel agency might be for you. Read More
By legalizing both recreational and medical marijuana, states have opened up a new industry—one that people are clamoring to take advantage of.
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If on top of being personable, you’re also organized, ambitious, goal-oriented, and up for a challenge, real estate might be right for you. Read More
The quality and type of lighting in a workspace can have measurable effects on productivity and overall well-being.
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With a plan in place for your opening day, you’ll be able to ensure that you get plenty of customers in the door and generate enough media buzz to keep bringing in business long after. Read More
A business loan can be a great source of capital, but it can be difficult to navigate the myriad of loan options available to small business owners. we’ll give you five pointers to keep in mind.
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How will you advertise your physical storefront without signs or banners? What if you want to give away promotional materials at a trade show, or come up with some great branded stickers or merchandise to promote your business? Read More

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