PASAngelique submitted the following stories to BizSugar

In this interview you’ll learn more about Palo Alto Software’s own struggles; about how LivePlan, our flagship product, came to be; and about how we make decisions that impact the bottom line. Read More
Similar to other professionals, like a bookkeeper or consultant, artists are faced with the idea of doing what they love, in conjunction with a plan. Read More
The romantic notions so closely associated with a bed and breakfast have made owning one a popular dream for many people. This is one of the reasons the bed and breakfast (B&B) industry has grown so significantly in recent years. Have you ever wondered how to start one? Read More
One of the most important aspects of opening a new business is selecting a credit card processor. However, this process can be overwhelming. To help you out, this guide will show you how to choose the credit card processor that is right for you. Read More
As a mother, a seriously driven career woman, and a CEO, Sabrina Parsons has a different take on what it means to be successful. Here’s a hint: It doesn’t have anything to do with leaning in.
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SaaS industry revenue is projected to grow eight percent by 2018. If you want a slice of the pie, there isn’t a better time to get involved. To give you a better idea of what entrepreneurs in this industry are thinking about during each phase of the startup process, we created this guide.
http://b Read More
Whether you want to be your area’s next big general contractor, or you believe you can build a successful small construction company in a specific niche, getting into the construction business is a process we can help you navigate: Read More
What does it take to run a company, raise three kids, and still keep it all together?

In this interview with Sabrina Parsons, CEO of Palo Alto Software, we’ll get answers to these questions and a good deal more. Read More
Maybe you’re considering starting a photography business, and want to make sure you’re prepared. Maybe you’ve just started your business and want to make sure it’s as successful as possible. Either way, these resources will help you get up and running. Read More

The Price of Employee Unhappiness - LivePlan Blog

Avatar Posted by PASAngelique under Management
From 3004 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on May 10, 2016 6:26 pm
Unhappy employees as a whole are 10 percent less productive than their neutral counterparts, and 22 percent less productive than their co-workers who actually enjoy their jobs. Read More

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