These stories submitted by Wisestepp will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Computer yoga is an office worker’s and a writer’s answer to stay positive throughout the day. Practicing computer yoga will help you stay and maintain a positive sense within you throughout the whole routine. Computer yoga will help you to resolve and solve all the tensions that you have built up Read More
Cold and Flu prevention at the workplace is important, which is caused by the bacteria present in the atmosphere which is highly present from the month of November to April. The cold is often passed from one person to another when both the individual are in the inside environment that is indoors an Read More
Learning web designing is very easy and it can be fun in many ways. Moreover, web designing can have many opportunities in store. The main challenge for any web designer is learning web designer interview questions, succeeding in company placements and getting a job. If that individual has the capa Read More
No one can deny the fact that poor performance of an employee is employer’s one of the biggest nightmare. Employer or HR invests lots of time, money and efforts to find the right candidate for the job. When employee is not delivering the expected result, it comes as a bitter disappointment to the e Read More
A tourist guide is also known as a ‘tour guide’ is a person who gives or assists the people who are on a tour by providing them information about a certain place or monument which has a certain cultural and historical heritage. These events which are known as tours are organised by a particular com Read More
While working in multinational and private companies, a person or a candidate or an employee can understand all the policies and systems of the company. As the matter of fact, the employee working in a company definitely experiences decision-making process and system. And such systems can be charac Read More
Interview is a medium to collect information directly or indirectly from a person. Interviewing a celebrity is one of the most common interviews and read by the audience at very large level. The way a interview is held, questions asked in interview can directly affect both the parties and in case o Read More
It is a given fact that during this day and age, for a business to be successful advertisement about the product/service is a necessity. This can be done through various media such as radio, television, and internet and most importantly through social media by the social media manager. Reaching thr Read More
Negativity is nothing but an emotion that brings the worst out of any situation or the person. The virus of negativity spreads due to the negative attitude or outlook of the person. Our ancestors were so true when they said that “one bad apple could spoil the entire barrel”. One negative employee c Read More
If you believe that all it takes to get a job interview is a great resume and persuasive motivation letter, you’re making a huge mistake. How you email these documents to recruiters matters too, a lot.

For each advertised position, recruiters receive hundreds of emails with the same ti Read More

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