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Interviewers have different styles and methods of interviewing. The main aim of the interviewer is to find out whether the candidate can act accordingly to different situations and circumstances. They try to extract the most information from the candidate so as to know the outcome of the interview. Read More
Questionnaires have been used since the 19th century. Often used as a method for collecting information, questionnaires were first developed in London in 1838. Questionnaires are usually used for collecting data from the respondents through a series of questions and other prompts set by the organiz Read More
Negativity is the greatest curse that one could ever come out of. Negativity is that demon which rules and kicks all the positive and good qualities of an individual, leading him towards a downfall. A negative mind is reluctant to grow and also it affects the smooth flow of the life. In order to gi Read More
The term ‘Job Shadowing’ refers to the concept where an individual gains certain experience which helps in the development of the career of an individual of their own choosing. The individual learns or gains experience as they work with a person or employee as they go alongside that professional by Read More
For most of the students, the vital things is grabbing a job as soon as possible after graduation. For that, they need to earn some experience in their working zone prior to their job. With so many options to opt for, many students gets confused whether they should go for an unpaid internship or no Read More
Group testing as the name implies, it is about examining an individual by a whole group. The test administered by a large group at one time is known as group testing.

The group test is mainly done to meet the practical need. These were designed as mass testing instruments. The group testing not Read More
Success of an organization irrespective of the any field depends on the strength of the employees. Employees are the backbone of the organization who hugely contributes physically as well as mentally to run an organization successfully. In order to motivate them and encourage them to work more effi Read More
As employees, everyone wants to work under cooperative managers, who are supportive and are helpful. But unfortunately, that is often not the case. You may have to work under a manager who is tough with you, even if you have completed your tasks with perfection. The following mentioned are few thin Read More
We as working individuals, face a hectic schedule at work for most of the days. This calls for large amounts of time spent in front of the computer, stress and being tired and fatigued by the end of the day. Hence, we have to take care and ensure that such amount of work will not affect our health. Read More
The Cambridge dictionary defines integrated HR as the process of combining all the systems that helps in managing and using human resources in a business so they work effectively together for the best results. Pay roll is defined as the list of the company employees stating what their company desig Read More

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