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An extracurricular activity is that activity which does not relate with the professional life based on degrees. These extra activities are more beneficial when the children are enrolled into it sooner. For example, these activities play important role in shaping and directing the passion and intere Read More
There comes a point in our career planning where we are discouraged from doing what we want because the career choice we have for ourselves doesn’t fit the gender roles. Men will be discouraged from nursing, social work and teaching while women are told not to experiment with science and security. Read More
One of the most asked question in an interview, when an interviewer asks a candidate “what is your greatest achievement?”, they are trying to figure out what kind of attributes you value, how efficient you are in your job, and how well do you tackle a hindrance to achieve that certain goal. This is Read More
Nowadays Dual career couples has become very normal. People often choose a life partner on the basis of education and job. Thus having a job for both the gender has become an obsession as well as a priority. But this feature has its own advantages as well as disadvantages like two sides of a coin. Read More
Most of the time in personal and professional life, executing a work or task with the help of team or with the team can deliver some sort of positive as well as negative impression. But it is necessary for a person to understand both sides of the coin, and in this case it is about team problem solv Read More
This one question usually tends to make most candidates caught off-guard. These kind of questions are actually a false question because a working individual knows that there is no such thing as a “typical” day. This is a good question to show how to organize your time, your schedules, your workload Read More
Grabbing a job nowadays has become a mammoth task, since the number of recruiters are very less in comparison with number of candidates. So interview process has come up for recruiters to get the right candidate for their job. Interviews include asking tricky top interview questions and answers to Read More
Interview comes packed with various sets of question to check the authenticity of the candidate. This question may though seem obvious but is not so to answer, as this question intends to reveal a lot of information about you.
We will be first dealing with the reasons as to why an interviewee woul Read More
One cannot deny the fact that interviews are tricky and makes us nervous, no matter how many interviews you face one could never know the expected questions. Gone are the days when organizations use to follow traditional interview procedure. Now they have unexpected questions for candidates. Many a Read More
S.M.A.R.T goals means specific, time-based, realistic and achievable goals. These are advantageous for a multitude of reasons. These are basically the factors that help in achieving a specific goal or for smart goal setting. Certain set of objectives should be achieved after setting up a project. Read More

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