These stories submitted by Bloggertone will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It is the discipline that may determine your ultimate success. The success of every business begins and ends with the attitude and drive of the person at the top Read More
Stocks which are positively correlated (i.e. stock prices move in the same direction) do not give you the same diversification benefits e.g. AIB & Bank of Ireland. If you invest your money into banking stocks it is likely that they will go down and up together depending on market conditions Read More
Does your place in the family pecking order impact on your personality? Is it possible that being born first increases the chance of being a leader? Does Birth Order Theory have any relevance for management practice Read More
These days, if you want to keep your star high in the blogosphere, the experts recommend writing a blog at least once a month. Top bloggers churn out 2-3 blog posts a week.. Read More
Customer support desks provide a critical part of support provision to customers. However, the rest of the business needs to be just as involved in ensuring support is given to its customer Read More
I recently read a very interesting piece of research that highlighted how at least 30,000 businesses in Ireland should be online but are not. This same research suggested.. Read More
For those of us following the world cup it's been both pleasure and pain. Pleasure seeing our chosen team win, and pain watching their tears of failure.. Read More
Personal development is the discipline that may determine your ultimate success. The success of every business begins and ends with the attitude and drive of the person at the top.. Read More
In a bid to generate more success in my life I perfected a ritual and repeated it every morning. I started each day with a prayer to Lady Luck while soaking in a bath filled with four leafed clovers.. Read More
How aware are you of your language? Do you know that there are certain words that are used in everyday language that seriously affect your outcomes and in a negative way Read More

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