These stories submitted by Bockmary7 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

With employee burnout at an all-time high, mental health at work should be your top priority. These 6 tips will get your employees back to feeling engaged, healthy, and productive.
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Intro video of the Zeto dry electrode, wireless EEG headset. EEG is the most affordable and diagnostic tool that helps study the brain’s electrical activity and recognize patterns. Visit for more details. Read More
Customer service is hard work. Disgruntled customers, technical issues, and endless service tickets can take a toll. Without a strong team culture, your customer service representatives can become disengaged and uninspired, leading to burnout that affects your bottom line, not to mention your custo Read More
Here are five useful tips to make better use of your smart QESH calendar and take scheduling to a whole new level. Read More
SucceedSmart symbolizes the bright future of a reimagined executive search framework, contributing inspiration and innovation to the marketplace, while simultaneously meeting the needs of today’s companies and the future-ready leaders they’re looking to recruit.
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X-bar and R-charts are always shown together. But is there a difference between them? In our new blog, we’ll answer this question and highlight applications for process stability Read More
Read about LIMS optimized for manufacturing and some of the main advantages that it brings to your organization. Read More
Find out if there is a difference between the X-bar and R-chart and learn about their use for process stability. Read More
The world of work is changing rapidly for executives and the executive hiring managers looking to find that diamond in the rough. Learn what soft skills executives should provide clarity on to thrive.
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How does the PDCA cycle work if you’re using quality management software? And how does a smart QMS support the four-stage step-by-step approach? Find out in our new blog! Read More

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