These stories submitted by Markzarr will be featured BizSugar's homepage

The funny thing about priorities is that they never lie. Those things that matter most to us are what we spend our time, energy and effort on, no matter the cost. I like my students to learn this lesson early on. That is why I have a very unbreakable no late policy. If school is a priority, I expec Read More
When you really boil it all down, life is about choices. You choose what to wear in the morning; you choose what to eat every day; you choose how to spend your time throughout the day. Yet for many of us, choice is hard. Sure, we make these everyday, little decisions without even noticing, but you Read More
Whether you are looking at Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, Google, Facebook, or the old school NASA who put men on the moon, these people and organizations all have one big thing in common (other than technology): they all have synergy. I have read countless books on what it means to be a leader or a su Read More
There are three things that I have learned to help keep successful people focused in the face of failure or other hardships. Read More
As a realist, I have always been frustrated by hypothetical questions about one’s outlook on life. For example, I look at the whole debate about the cup of water being half full or half empty, and I think; “If you’re thirsty, shut up and drink the water all ready.”

I look at life in much the sam Read More
If there is one thing that I am good at, it is feeling overwhelmed. I always seem to have to-do lists as high as the Himalayas, and, undoubtedly, as sure as I am feeling good about checking things off, the list fills up again. Some days, I literally feel like I am drowning; my brain is not getting Read More
The idea behind a mission statement is a noble one. It is supposed to set the guidelines for product quality, customer service, and help cast a vision to build a corporate culture. But let’s be honest: who cares! Our customers don’t care about our mission statements. Our employees most likely don’t Read More
As a business consultant, author, and college professor, I talk with a lot of people everyday. These people come from all walks of life, but they all have one thing in common: they are all looking for the secret code to success. We all want to find that one thing that sets successful people apart f Read More
I am a firm believe that the world would be a much better place if everyone would merely work on changing the things that they can control. Instead, what often happens is we get overwhelmed by the gravity of all the things we can’t change, like the whole world, and we end up giving up, or never rea Read More
Companies that thrive with mediocre products actually have a huge advantage over those of us who will live and die on the mountaintop of product quality. You see, companies with mediocre products understand that despite all the talk, business is not about quality: it is about meeting needs. Their p Read More

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