These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Guest blogging is a great way to increase the exposure of your brand. Here are tips for getting your guest pitch picked up. Read More
Trying to be all things to all sorts of clients won't get you far. Instead, focus on what you're really good at, and what you love doing. Read More
If you’re looking for new ways to engage potential clients, consider beefing up your thought leadership strategy. What is thought leadership, you ask? Definitions vary, but mine is: thought leadership demonstrates your expertise and knowledge in your field. You demonstrate that knowledge through ma Read More
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard some of the buzz about – if not seen the film – “The Hunger Games.” The book-turned-megafilm grossed $155 million opening weekend, and hasn’t slowed down since. But why am I talking about a film when I normally cover small business, mar Read More
Whether you dive fully into SEO or just dabble a bit, keywords are a must for your website. They’re the key (get it) to people finding your website when they’re searching online. If they’re not properly targeted, they will lead the wrong people to your site, and keep the right ones away. Here are s Read More
Having the right training processes in place can help you make a success out of your next new hire. Whether you hire the occasional freelancer or have a full-time staff, your business needs training processes to ensure each employee knows his role. Read More
Think Write Grow by Grant Butler provides insight into becoming a thought leader.Becoming a thought leader is an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise in your industry, as well as garner new clients. Read More
Bruce Clay’s SEO book is a must-read for small business owners looking to improve search engine optimization. Read More
When it comes to your business, you always evaluate the ROI, the new clientele, the industry influence, and the obvious outward benefits of any new marketing campaign. A savvy business owner appreciates a good marketing investment and understands the scope, impact, and potential of a strong initia Read More
Google’s newest social media site, Google +, is still growing as more users adopt it. There are approximately 100 million users on the site (compare that with Facebook’s 800 million +) and rising. Now that the site is more friendly to small businesses, there’s a lot to use it for. Read More

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