These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Google Analytics is a fantastic and free tool that small business owners can use to determine who's visiting their website and learn how to better target them. Read More
Pay-per-click and search advertising are great ways to reach a wider audience with your product. But they're not the perfect fit for every business. How about yours? Read More
Many argue that the daily deal is on its way out. I disagree. For consumers like me, daily deals are a great way to discover new places to eat and shop. Read More
Despite the hype, I as an internet marketer, don't focus so heavily on SEO and keywords. With the right tips and tricks, you won't have to either. Read More
Dell's new Innovators Credit Fund, a $100 million financing initiative that provides entrepreneurs with the financial and scalable technology, means that startups can get access to technology without tying up their own funds. Read More
Facebook for business is changing once again, folks. Now you can have multiple levels of admin as well as preschedule posts. Read More
If you’ve been convinced that your brand should be blogging, your next obstacle is continually coming up with topics that your readers are interested in. It can be a challenge, coming up with two to three interesting topics a week. Here are some strategies to keep your blog flowing with great infor Read More
I just finished reading The Welcomer Edge by Richard Shapiro, and I got a lot out of it about customer service. We’ve all come to expect our experiences with call center reps, cashiers and customer service agents to be bad, based on the fact that many of them are. But think back to one or more time Read More
Yelp. Angie’s List. BizSugar. Digg. Amazon.

We now live in a world where anyone, regardless of location, education or age can tell others—perfect strangers even—what they think about products, services and content.

It’s truly a user generated era. Read More
Take a lesson (or 5) from Facebook's IPO about succeeding in business as an entrepreneur. We could all use this advice. Read More

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