These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Facebook tabs are a great tool for engaging your Facebook visitors. Here's how to DIY your own custom Facebook tabs. Read More
To try to get funds to grow your business, should you just bootstrap when starting a business, or should you look at other options? This post explores a small business' options when it comes to financing. Read More
In any consumer-driven business, effective marketing is essential. However, with so many companies competing for your customers’ attention, it can be difficult to make yourself heard. Overtly promotional copy and long, convoluted press releases simply won’t cut it. If your customers aren’t immediat Read More
LinkedIn Groups are a great tool to brand yourself and your company. Use these strategies to effectively market yourself as an expert online. Read More
Looking to market your company but lack a big budget? These 10 tips will help you do that without much money. Many are even free marketing tools! Read More
Great post about figuring out how much you should spend on getting new customers. If you don't know the Lifetime Value of your customer, this post will help you figure it out. Read More
Entrepreneurs never want to take a vacation from their businesses, but that’s exactly what we need to be better business owners. Take these tips to look like you're still working, even when you're on the beach. Read More
If you’re not having luck with getting a small business loan from a bank and investors aren’t banging down your door to provide you with a smaller amount of money, consider crowdfunding as an alternative. Read More
Entrepreneurs never want to take a vacation from their businesses, but that’s exactly what we need to be better business owners. These tips help make you look like you're still working, even if you're on the beach! Read More
Identifying your brand's core values goes a long way to delivering unforgettable customer service. Micah Solomon guest posts. Read More

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