These stories submitted by Smpayton will be featured BizSugar's homepage

It may seem too early (and too hot) to even think about the winter holidays, but if you put it off, you risk not reaping the full benefit of the season. Read More
It's not enough to have lots of traffic to your site. Now you've got to convert. Here's how to increase the number of customers you get from your site visitors. Read More
Small businesses benefit from press releases. Here are 6 reasons you should be using them right now! Read More
CorpNet's got three new marketing guides available for download: Social Media Tips for Every Small Business, How to Get Press Coverage, and How to Start a Blog Read More
There's a lot of controversy over crowdsourcing design sites like 99designs. Here's why I support them. Read More
If you're partnering with others to start a business, it's important to have dialogue up front. Decide who will do what and how you will divide the equity. Read More
Using social media isn’t the same thing as having a social media strategy. Develop a plan for how you will take advantage of it, and what actions you will take to achieve your goals. Read More
Is your content marketing a bit too dry? Use these brands as inspiration to inject a bit of creativity in your copy and ad campaigns. Read More
Small businesses have to decide whether the owner will manage the accounting or whether he will outsource it. There are benefits to both; which your company needs will depend on what you’re looking for. Read More
If you need a reason to love small businesses, CEO of, Nellie Akalp, has six! Find out the latest small business statistics. I didn't know 99.7% of all employers are small businesses! Read More

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