These stories submitted by Tmerrill will be featured BizSugar's homepage

When you first start your small business, you are almost always cash strapped. In an attempt to reduce costs while building their small businesses, small business owners often swap services. But is it worth the time and effort to swap? Read More
No matter what business you are planning on creating, you need a tax ID. Having a tax ID makes doing business easier, and will often save you time and effort once your business starts taking off. Read More
Many solo small business owners ask me, "how can I get my product into retail stores?" This seemed like a great topic for a round up. Here are the questions and the answers to the most common problems solo small business owners face when trying to get their products into stores. Read More
So many solo small business owners flounder when they first start their businesses because they don't know when they are finished setting up their business. Find out how to setup your solo small business in 16 easy steps. Read More
On my journey from business novice to profitable business owner, the book that had the most influence on me and the one that finally helped me turn a corner, was Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. Read More
Every solo small business owner wants money. But the pride and joy that come from building a great solo small business far out weigh the profits. How do you create a great solo small business? Great by Choice, by Jim Collins, gives 3 detailed principles to follow. Read More
People new to business often don't know what to do to start setting up their small business. They may have a great idea, but don't know how to make a profitable business out of it. Here are the 3 simple steps you need to complete to finish setting up your small business. Read More
So, you finally found your great small business idea. Now you want to take that idea and turn it into a profitable business. But how do make sure no one steals your idea before you can profit from it? Here are 4 ways to protect your business idea and one harsh reality about the business world. Read More
The 4 Hour Work Week gives any entrepreneur a detailed plan to create a business (vs. creating a job). It helped me quite my job. Read More
Lawyers, in practice for themselves, often have a hard time trying to increase the profits for the solo practices. Here are 4 ways solo small business lawyers can increase their profits. Read More

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