AmyJordan submitted the following stories to BizSugar

How To Use Social Media

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Social Media
From 3485 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on January 14, 2015 10:49 am
Use social media for your business but worried it'll take over your life if you join every social network out there? In this video you'll learn 4 simple steps you can start using right away to make sure you use social media the right way to eliminate overwhelm. Read More
Simple Social Media Strategies for small business owners with Alicia Cowan. Simple Social Media Strategies for small business owners with Alicia Cowan Read More
In this video you will learn more about Facebook Marketing Strategies and Secrets I use daily. You can use them to learn how to expand your business through automation. If you work full-time you must be online to expand your business and this video will show you how to achieve that! :) Read More
Hi, I'm Cristina Caldera, Social Media Manager at, and I'm going to discuss how to create a successful social media marketing strategy tailored specifically to small businesses looking to reach a B2B audience. Read More
New to Social media, check out how to get started with this Social Media introduction or how-to visit the site above for more business tips. Read More
Are you looking for a business marketing system?
Do you want a business marketing system specifically designed for small and local businesses?
Are you fed up and confused and want a simple 5 Step Local Business Marketing System?

This video is for small or local business owners who want to unde Read More
When you are advertising your business you need to focus and a variety of techniques and strategies. When you combine several online marketing plans you can achieve great results. That is why we put this video together, we want to help all small business and local business owners increase business Read More
How to get customers for your local business is always a hot topic. In this video you'll learn 5 specific marketing tactics you can use immediately to get customers in the door of your local business.
While we focus on a cupcake business, no matter what you sell, you'll get ideas you can use now! Read More
Want to learn how to do keyword research for Local SEO? Follow along with Josh as he actually does keyword research for one of his clients! Read More
Learn how to use Youtube Video and Google Adwords to build your local business online, get more leads, more phone calls, more local business building intelligence. Read More

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