DiscoveryCG submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Times have changed in marketing. Chances are if you hold a marketing degree from 2009 and prior to that, you learned all about outbound marketing. I can confidently say that because I hold a marketing degree from May 0f 2009. Once I graduated and started working at The Discovery Communications Grou Read More
OK, so you just built your company/organization Facebook page… now what? You need to get people to “like” it. Sure, it is simple to send out a request to all of your friends, but are they really the people you want to be targeting?

You have to make people want to “like” your Facebook page. Face Read More
Analytics is an indispensable part of search marketing. Without using some type of tracking software, you simply can’t succeed. Google Analytics is a popular software. The information it provides users with is extremely valuable and is used for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes, tracking wh Read More

Social Media Marketing Success Does Not Happen Overnight

Avatar Posted by DiscoveryCG under Social Media
From 5101 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingb2b on September 14, 2010 9:39 am
One of the top reasons companies fall off the face of the social media marketing world is because they aren’t seeing results right away. They begin to think the time being invested in social media marketing is a waste and resort back to their traditional marketing tactics. Let me explain something: Read More
Twitter is all about building relationships with your followers, whether it be through a company account or personal account. Many small businesses have trouble gaining a following which results in abandoning their Twitter profiles. This is based on user error and how the account is managed. Users that lack Twitter knowledge and fail to put the time and effort into learning the fundamentals are usually the first to quit and decide to never go back. The secret to success on Twitter isn’t genius though, it is common sense. Small businesses need to put themselves in the shoes of their followers and try to add value to their lives. The following are some general mistakes on Twitter, which definitely result in not getting followed back or even unfollowed Read More
Social networking is an extremely powerful marketing tool that companies should be taking advantage of, and they should be using their employees to do so.

Who better than your employees to assist with the social networking of the company? They are the experts and the voice of the company and industry. By allowing key employees to become involved with the social networking you are building brand awareness, managing your company’s image, expanding into new markets, creating potential business opportunities, inspiring and driving innovation, and increasing customer loyalty, among many more Read More
Location based marketing has become very popular within the past year. Foursquare, Gowalla, and Brightkite, just to name a few, are well known applications that allow users to checkin to different places they visit and to explore their cities. Users have the option to leave comments at any venue they checkin to. Starting this week you can add Facebook to the bandwagon with their launch of Facebook Places Read More
Facebook is one big giant platform where the typical user is connected with friends, family, acquaintances, and co-workers. Just like in real life, there are probably some people you are friends with on Facebook that you get annoyed with. Allow me to break down the different annoying Facebook users’ personalities for you. I am sure you know someone in each category and will be able to relate Read More
Facebook Insights for your fan page offer many benefits, such as valuable analytics to page administrators, which seem to be overlooked or not properly utilized. Here is a quick overview on what Facebook Insights can offer you.

Facebook Insights can answer very basic (but valuable) questions such as:

Are you reaching your target demographic? Facebook Insights will highlight the age, gender, countries, cities, and language of your fans.
What are the demographics of the most active fans on the page?
Which posts are most popular and have generated the highest response rate?
Which posts have overlapped with an increase of the number of fans Read More
The 2010 FIFA World Cup has officially started today in South Africa, making it the first since the explosion of social media. In order to make it easier for viewers to follow news and updates about specific teams and matches, Twitter has launched a World Cup page.

The World Cup page displays upcoming matches, Top Tweets, and Twitter staff picks for relevant users to follow. Fans have a unique opportunity to connect with players, teams, and brands using Twitter to be a part of the matches in a different way. They are also providing a list of suggested accounts to follow during the tournament and a World Cup theme for your profile page Read More

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