Smallbizstories submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Today's story comes to us from Ashley, of Southern Florida. With a little bit of initial resistance, some persistence, and a lot of hard work, she found herself running a very unique B2B service that she had no idea she would ever have been so passionate about. Read More

Small Biz Stories: Michelle's Story: Kids Decor Inc.

Avatar Posted by smallbizstories under Startups
From 5120 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on September 2, 2010 6:44 pm
Today's story comes to us from Michelle Miller, owner of Kids Decor Inc. A mom and former medical professional, Michelle discovered a renewed confidence after realizing that what she thought were professional drawbacks could actually be assets. Though it can be a challenging and unfamiliar task, re Read More
Steven's story comes to us from the point of view of your typical, a-typical teenager. He's definitely not your average small business owner, and what sets him apart is more than just his years. Dabbling in business concepts by age fourteen, and a full-fledged entrepreneur at age eighteen, his unique perspective offers up an outlook on business and life that is beyond his years Read More
Adrian learned some critical lessons from her mother; some that she didn't fully absorb until it was time to start her own business. With all the "mompreneur" action that's been happening on this blog lately, I thought it might be nice to post a story today from the flip-side of the coin!

To the small business moms who read this blog: have you thought about what kinds of lessons your kids are learning by watching you run a small business Read More

Small Biz Stories: Katie's Story: Kt Steppers, LLC

Avatar Posted by smallbizstories under Startups
From 5190 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on June 24, 2010 4:05 pm
When she wrote to me about her company, Katie O'Neill stressed the fact that Kt Steppers is a Mom-owned business. She told me she loves being referred to as a "Mompreneur", and after reading her story, I can really appreciate why. Recently we've featured some mom-owned businesses on this blog, and I am loving all these inspiring stories from women who do it all, and then some Read More

Sheena's Story: Lizzie Lou Shoes

Avatar Posted by smallbizstories under Startups
From 5204 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on June 10, 2010 2:48 pm
Today's story comes to us from Sheena, a mom, inventor, designer and entrepreneur based in San Antonio, Texas. Lizzie Lou Shoes have international flair, close family ties, and one-of-a-kind handmade craftsmanship built into each pair. Sheena's experience with her business brought a few financial challenges along the way, but of course not without lessons learned. Thanks for sharing your story with us, Sheena - it's important to recognize the role that risk plays in the development of a start-up Read More
Michelle, of San Ramon, CA, always knew she would be an entrepreneur, selling drawings and Sno-Cones in her neighborhood as a kid. Now she's got two kids of her own, and her product is still focused on the younger crowd in her community. GoCharmz will launch this season and she's already got plenty of buzz behind her product, using a Facebook Page and the kids in her neighborhood as an inventive way to test the market. And what's more, Michelle is giving away two sets of GoCharmz to one lucky Small Biz Stories reader Read More
Stress is a tough part of day-to-day life, especially at work. Leslie knows all about the damaging effects it can have on employees, so she founded her company, KneadALaugh, with the goal of alleviating stress in office environments. Through massage therapy, humor therapy, and other stress-reducing techniques, KneadALaugh provides a one-of-a-kind service in corporate environments. Just think about it - when was the last time you had a good laugh at work? Didn't you feel great afterwards? Now think about what it would be like to get a professional massage at work - now that's service Read More
Perseverance is an important part of being an entrepreneur. Jack never lost sight of his business goals, and refused to allow discouraging moments to slow him down. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the challenges of being a small business owner, follow Jack's example and don't let temporary setbacks get you down Read More

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