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Getting Health Insurance as a Small Business Owner

Avatar Posted by Glen Craig under Management
From 4433 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on August 11, 2012 1:35 am
It’s enough trying to keep up with all aspects of your business as a small business owner without having to think about health insurance. Read about getting health insurance as a small business owner. Read More
The flip side of not having any ideas to work with is having too many. Yes, it is possible to have an overabundance of ideas, especially when you only need one to get going.

This creates the same paralysis as not having any ideas. Read More
As I was reminded the other day, one of the biggest advantages to a home business is that you can avoid the cost of commute. Read More
If you own your own business, working for yourself, you are required to pay self-employment tax. Here's how to figure it out. Read More
One of the first things you need to do when you have a business is make sure that your business and personal expenses are kept separate. This is important for tax purposes, as well as for your own protection. Here are some things to keep in mind as you choose a business account. Read More
Every ecommerce store owner needs to be able to accept payments online in order to make money. And the majority of people use credit cards to pay for their goods.

In today's article, I discuss some of the most economical ways to accept credit cards for your online store including Paypal's late Read More
Sometimes, a solid bonus or revenue sharing agreement can be worth earning a lower rate for your freelance work. Read More
Every budding entrepreneur wants to know how to start a business on a budget. It practically comes with the territory. Much of the time, people are trying to bootstrap their way into an alternative income stream or at least make a little money on the side. Here are some of my top tips for doing so. Read More
I recently stumbled across a fascinating article by the Business Insider, in which they revealed the 10 jobs with the happiest workers (as researched and compiled by University of Chicago researchers). Here what I found... Read More
I have learned a lot from blogging. Here are some of my thoughts I can pass on to you to help you along your way! Read More

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