AAAMPblog voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I’m not sure if this applies to all five year olds, but I’ve never heard so many incisive pitches and closes from almost 4 feet of human. Lance Knight Rodriguez (a.k.a. Baby 2.0) has an almost innate ability to persevere and come up with rebuttals for almost every objection I throw at him. Read More
Self-doubt is a real killer. You can be as capable and talented as you like in any area, but it is your self-belief that ultimately defines how far you go. Read More
Once again, it looks as though a great deal of focus will be on Europe this week. A European Union summit this week is expected to try to hash out a plan to save the eurozone, and provide better economic integration for the EU at large. Read More

As Seen on TV - Why Infomercials Work

As Seen on TV - Why Infomercials Work  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Advertising
From 4386 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on June 24, 2012 4:24 am
The most succesful infomercials sell millions of their products over the phone, online and eventually in stores. While the merchandise or services may be different, the one minute, two minute or half hour television commercials have many things in common.

Are you ready for the secrets of best se Read More
Get a better understanding of how to appeal an IRS decision whether you disagree with a tax lien, levy, installment agreement rejection, OIC rejection and more. Read More
One of the mantras of our society is that, if you want success in your career and life, you need to attend university and graduate with a degree. However, as recent student demonstrations underscore, the cost of a higher education is on the rise. What if you can't land a job that pays you enough to Read More
If you want to be noticed, you really have to make an impression quickly, and create a resume that is scanable, that captures the essence of who you are, and what you can offer to the employer. Read More
"Wow. Four thousand dollars a month. It was Automatic Money, rolling in like crazy with no effort on my part, absolutely no overhead, and it was remarkably reliable. Almost $1000 ..." Read More
After answering questions and critiquing online stores for over 4 years on this blog and running an online store course for the past year, I’ve noticed many common patterns and mistakes that new shop owners repeatedly make. Read More
So my experiment with Twitter continues on, I have a slowly growing readership, but I keep wondering whether Twitter is useful information dissemination or Read More

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