Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Good content marketing is all about relevance, shareability and value to the end user and today I'm sharing the story of a piece of content that fulfilled all three of these criteria in abundance and qualifies as a great example of how to make your content go viral and hit the headlines. Read More

7 Smart Ways To Leverage Your Blog Content

Avatar Posted by Sylviane under Online Marketing
From 3868 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on February 6, 2014 4:47 pm
Here are 7 smart ways you could use to leverage you blog content so it won’t collect cyber dust while being of no more use for you. Read More
Whether you’re searching for new customers, looking to build up your brand awareness, or just hoping to create a network of connections, social media can be a dream come true—when it’s done right. But with over a billion members on Facebook alone, making a name for your business on social media can Read More
When a small business starts to allocate hard dollars to digital marketing efforts, the owner needs to consider the best method of advertising to meet the specific goals of the business. Here are a few of the most common reasons for engaging in digital marketing, as well as a few tools business own Read More

Reinventing Your Business: Get Inspired For Less

Avatar Posted by megantotka under Strategy
From 3869 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on February 6, 2014 4:54 pm
Innovation is all about taking risks, trying new things, and building on your success. Every business reaches a point where old methods don’t work and demand begins to wane as new companies fill even the narrowest niche market. How can an established company reinvent itself to compete with brash ne Read More

How to Figure Your Retirement Needs

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Employee Benefits
From 3869 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on February 6, 2014 4:56 pm
Many of us look forward to retirement. However, as with all things in life, retirement requires money. As you do your best to figure out how much you need, here are some hints for getting a reasonable idea of what to expect: Read More

The Social Media Generation Animated [Video]

Avatar Posted by StuartJDavidson under Social Media
From 3871 days ago
Made Hot by: ioncannon on February 10, 2014 4:38 am
Are we now in a period where we are labelled as 'the social media generation'? Does it seem like everyday life cannot be lived without the aid of social networking? Read More

This Is Why You Should Stop Multitasking

Avatar Posted by sourcepep under Advertising
From 3871 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on February 7, 2014 12:40 am
It costs $450 billion annually, lowers your IQ, increases errors, and drops productivity and many more negative impacts. If you are a multitasker then it’s time to stop. Get focused and streamlined and increase your chances to success. Read More
Memes are a breath of fresh air after the routine photographs , Facebook statuses and ofcourse the tweets….They are known to offer that easy to understand and transform your newsfeed into a comic strip. Many youngsters and public believe that memes are not just any other fad and they are here to st Read More

9 Ways to Have an Authentic Conversation in 10 Minutes

Avatar Posted by bmartinuzzi under Management
From 3871 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on February 7, 2014 3:20 am
Employ these quick strategies to create more meaningful connections with employees, partners and business associates. Read More

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