Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Salespeople

Avatar Posted by Skura under Technology
From 3852 days ago
Made Hot by: Evan Collins on March 2, 2014 1:15 am
There is a tremendous amount of “Hype” around Sales 2.0, social selling, or sales without the phone. All of it suggesting that to succeed in sales you no longer have to make calls or work your butt off, you just need to tweet, spend time on LinkedIn and make sure you update Facebook on a regular ba Read More
Working at home can be a dream come true. However, you can form bad habits that kill productivity. Take steps to structure your life to avoid them. Read More


Avatar Posted by tathan under Self-Development
From 3852 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on March 3, 2014 5:01 am
An excellent video of Dr. John C. Maxwell, presenting the basic ideas and concepts of his book: The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential. Read More
Aspiring entrepreneurs often don’t even start up. The reasons are aplenty, but if you can get over these five, you have got a chance to start your first venture. Read More
What is artificial advancement and should you be doing it??

Have you ever heard about artificial advancement?

My guess is no.

Let me introduce you to it and how it will help your business.

Create Customer Loyalty With Artificial Advancement:

Artificial advancement by establishing cus Read More
Bringing investors into your start-up will be one of the most important decisions you will make about your company. Here are nine tips that will get you on your way. Read More

How To Get More Traffic From Existing Content

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Online Marketing
From 3858 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on February 16, 2014 2:09 am
By Nishadha Silva

In the last two years Google came up with many new updates to improve search engine results. Their goal was to reduce spam and make search results better for the end users. But website owners and bloggers can take advantage of the new changes and implement them to bring more tr Read More

How to Make Every Day St Valentine's Day

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Self-Development
From 3858 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on February 16, 2014 1:59 am
Today is St Valentine’s Day.

We are especially nice to the person we love most today.

But why do we do it only on Valentine’s Day.
Why not do it every day.

Make every day like a St Valentine’s Day.

Just think of the benefits you would get if you did.
If you want to know more, please r Read More

Build a Consistent, Relevant and Memorable Social Brand

Avatar Posted by aceconcierge under Social Media
From 3858 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on February 15, 2014 3:22 pm
The only guarantee in life, business and social media is change. It seems every time we turn around there is a new social network popping up. Read More
Recent studies suggest that up to 92 percent of consumers trust word of mouth and recommendations from friends, family and, in this case, the web, over paid media advertisements. Businesses are tapping into that potential by creating user-generated content campaigns. Read More

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