Algernon00ps voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Trust is a key for driver for your customers. Do they trust you to produce a great product? Do they trust you to deliver a reliable service? Do they trust you with their money and their time? So what can a your business do to engender trust with its customers? Read More

Small Business Loans to Expand Your Business

Avatar Posted by businesstrader under Raising Capital
From 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on April 19, 2013 12:46 pm
Make sure you do your homework before making the financial commitment to a business loan. Always remember that the banks want your business and are always open to negotiate. Read More

Tagging Your Business

Avatar Posted by IntelBoutique under Management
From 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on April 19, 2013 1:07 pm
#Hashtags, keywords, categories, and popular related terms… these tags, we like. It’s the association of phrases that drives traffic to our websites and blogs; turns visitors into customers and customers into brand ambassadors. But tagging our businesses, the actual brick and mortar facility in w Read More

New Social Networks Your Business Needs to Adopt NOW

Avatar Posted by marygreencny under Social Media
From 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on April 19, 2013 12:59 pm
Stop wasting time of social websites that make it difficult to grow, and join new social networks that encourage growth for small businesses, NOW. Read More

The 5Cs of Really Great Content Marketing / SAY Daily

Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Online Marketing
From 4178 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on April 16, 2013 6:37 pm
Content marketing isn't nearly as complicated as some of us like to make it -- in fact, Brian Clark of Copyblogger boils it down to five simple elements: Context, Cornerstone, Connection, Conversion, and Copy. Read More

6 Ways to Increase Social Shares For Your Blog

Avatar Posted by djthistle under Social Media
From 4179 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on April 17, 2013 8:25 am
Many start blogging with little or no traction within the major social networks. Get the blog going, build an audience, and make connections on the major social networks is generally the path. The problem is you have no foundation. There is no one to share your content with no networks. Read More

Are You Blogging Too Often?

Avatar Posted by MattMansfield under Online Marketing
From 4179 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on April 17, 2013 10:59 am
Still not sure how often to blog? This post will teach you how to come up with the best blog schedule for your website - one that achieves your business goals. Read More

How Will You Win the War For Talent?

Avatar Posted by JanineGilmour under Strategy
From 4179 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on April 17, 2013 9:55 am
What could your business achieve if only you had talented, focused, thriving people committed to making your business and their careers a huge success? I guarantee anyone offering you win/lose “simple” solutions to your staffing challenges is simply putting lipstick on the problem. But, if you’re g Read More

Has Technology Made Us Stupid or Just Lazy?

Avatar Posted by Cathy Miller under Social Media
From 4181 days ago
Made Hot by: Algernon00ps on April 14, 2013 2:01 pm
Have we lost the art of critical thinking? Is technology to blame? Whether or not you believe that is true, this post offers tips on reclaiming our brain cells. Read More
Facebook's attempts at monetisation mean it now costs more to send a Facebook message, than to buy a stamp! Read More

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