BIZantium voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small business marketing needs good project management. Here are 5 questions you should be asking to insure that your small business marketing projects stay on time and on target. Read More
As a culture, we're rapidly shifting toward accepting online marketing as the most relevant way to be seen. It’s widely perceived that marketing via the Internet is the most effective way to reach the masses. Merely having an online presence isn't enough. Here's how to build the best image of your Read More
The second in a four-part series called The Content Guide; learn to write to your core niche while appealing to fence-sitters at the same time. Read More

Watch out boys, women are social media mavens

Avatar Posted by comva under Social Media
From 4415 days ago
Made Hot by: xxysystem90 on August 29, 2012 4:44 am
Digital media is changing the way we act. And hold on to your hats folks because how we act is also influencing digital media. As I’ve explored throughout this digital literacy series, much of social media’s popularity can be linked to its ability to fulfill some of humanity’s basic needs. Read More
A blog will bring more people to your website. A lot more people. And you definitely want more people on your website. Here are three specific ways having a blog adds value to your organization’s website. Read More
Mary from social media agency communicatto shows you the basics of YouTube analytics, a tool used to track user interactions on your YouTube channel... Read More
Cheaters always win was a big lesson in college. You would hope that following the golden rule and working hard would pay off in the end but that is not always so.

Find out why cheating often breeds success in business and finance. Read More
Unilever owned irreverent male body spray Lynx (known as Axe in many markets) taking advantage of the well publicised activities of Prince Harry in Las Vegas. As story of what happened and the naked images taken of him in his hotel room partying playing strip billiards with a group of ladies was ap Read More
See in these personal improvement notes on Eben Pagan’s Advanced Learning and Teaching seminar the quickest way to slay the obstacles that keep you from what you want. Read More

Take advantage of all the ways to connect with others and grow your business. Don’t limit yourself by relying completely on the internet. Read More

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