BIZantium voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you considering using a group buy for your small business? In this post I go over the pros and cons of group buying sites... while these types of promos can work wonders for some businesses, they must be thought through VERY carefully! Read More
The announcement was made yesterday that Google+ now has 400 million members, and 100 million active users. While some believe that the social network has not yet come to fruition, and others believe that it will ultimately fizzle out, it is here for now and Google has even taken things a step furt Read More
Learn how to explore, improve and construct your content and how you can take advantage of professional online writing. Read More
This interview with lawyer, Flor McCarty, managing partner of McCarty and Co, looks at some of the marketing strategies employed by their legal firm. Read More

How To Create eBooks & Webinars Your Prospects Will Love

Avatar Posted by Sarah Ryan under Online Marketing
From 4398 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on September 15, 2012 8:22 am
A synopsis of a great presentation I attended during the 'Inbound 2012' conference on how to create content, such as ebooks and webinars, that your target market will love ... Read More
Good company messages are sometimes mistakenly marked as spam and the company doesn’t realize it. Learn how Google decides to mark a message as spam here! Read More
I was pretty terrified, but trying not to show it. After all, I'd been suffering from panic attacks for a couple of years, and they were typically triggered by any social situation in which I felt that I had no escape from without causing a scene. Read More

Use a Presentation to Break Writer's Block

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 4398 days ago
Made Hot by: hbstuart96 on September 15, 2012 10:01 pm
Are you stuck feeling like you’re writing the same old thing and need fresh new ideas about it? Try this trick to get yourself unstuck. To make the most of it, have a notepad available at all times to take notes on fresh ideas and thoughts as they occur. Read More

Building Success from the Ground Up

Avatar Posted by expertbusiness under Startups
From 4398 days ago
Made Hot by: focusmedia on September 15, 2012 4:20 am
Success should be built from day one. Without the proper foundation, your business will probably topple over within a year. Read More

4 Social Monitoring Tools For The Busy Business

Avatar Posted by graemebengeseo under Social Media
From 4398 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on September 15, 2012 4:21 am
Here we look at 4 tools that help the busy business keep up to date with industry news, customer interaction as well as finding the next golden keyword . Read More

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