BIZantium voted on the following stories on BizSugar

NEWSFLASH! Despite what you’ve read, your “epic content” isn’t going to magically go viral seconds after you click the publish button. There is no content marketing fairy. Like it or not, you’re going to have to work hard to promote your content. I mean really hard. Read More
Did you know that last month Reddit had over 71 million unique visitors or that its quickly closing in on 5 billion pageviews? Thats unfathomably huge ... Read More
Should your company be tweeting during extraordinary events or should your company stay off social media during them? Read More
Have you found your Facebook Page posts are not getting seen by many fans anymore? Check out this piece and see why you may want to do some text posts for your Facebook pages to get more reach! Read More
As the invisible gorilla test famously proved, we are sometimes blind to what’s happening around us, and oblivious to signs that sway us. To become more aware of how you are influenced by what you see and hear, and to get ideas on how to influence others, here are four nudges... Read More
You should have a Twitter account for your business. There are so many places online and so many ways to connect with potential buyers or even current customers... Read More
Hopefully you have a simple customer retention strategy in place. If not, then you can help ensure your customers keep buying by looking at all the touch points they can have with your business. By the simplicity approach develop process for each of the touch points to grow your business.

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3 Reasons a Guest Wi-Fi Network Makes Sense

Avatar Posted by OpenSourceMedia under Technology
From 4139 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on June 3, 2013 2:52 am
You can’t beat the convenience of a wireless network. In fact, Wi-Fi is so popular and effective that some new small businesses have opted out of a wired network altogether in favor of the fast 802.11n wireless standard.

However, small business owners should also consider creating a Wi-Fi guest Read More
We all know that old saying about pictures. They’re worth a lot. But for some reason, a lot of business websites don’t have images that illustrate the business and further the brand. It’s ridiculous! Get some nice images up there! Pictures of someone using your product, or at least screenshots of y Read More

Tracking Fixed Assets for Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by Copysugar under Online Marketing
From 4144 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on May 26, 2013 12:12 am
Keeping track of small business fixed assets is essential for your business. It helps to control operation costs and maximize profits. Here's a brief article explaining fixed assets and how to manage them. Read More

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