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CateCosta voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The relationships between co-founders are all-important -- it's no accident that most startups crumble not because of outside competition, but because of disagreements between founding members. More than any other factor, the team you build from the get-go has the power to make or break your enterp Read More

The 5 Biggest Tax Differences Between an LLC and Corporation

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Taxes
From 3688 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on November 6, 2014 4:06 am
Here we’ll break down the five key differences between how an LLC and corporation are taxed. While these pointers can be a great starting point, you should consult a tax advisor if you have any questions about how these differences apply to your particular situation.
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Neuromarketing takes advantage of that vast blind-spot beyond our conscious awareness; leveraging psychological phenomenons in subtle ways to lead us into certain decisions.

Here are 10 subtle neuromarketing strategies to start leveraging: Read More
Taxes are pretty much the bane of everyone’s existence, no matter what they do for a living, and they’re even more complicated and more of a headache for entrepreneurs. With so many moving parts in the business and the way you report the income it generates, it can be quite a bit more complicated t Read More

7 Easy-to-Fix Mistakes You're Making With Your Personal Brand

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Marketing
From 3691 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on November 3, 2014 12:38 pm
There are a few steps we can take to building our personal brand (and hopefully quelling that anxiety). Check out the most common mistakes people make with their personal brand, and learn how to fix them. Read More
We carefully constructed a comprehensive plan of our strategy for capitalizing on this opportunity.With dollar signs and dreams of autonomy dancing through our heads, we ceremoniously offered our resignations the same day.Yet we quickly learned how much we hadn’t accounted for. We want to help tho Read More
I started my first business at 19 years old and thought I knew it all. The business quickly grew to $500,000 in gross revenue with five employees in three states. Business was good, but because I didn’t learn how to manage my business, things quickly got out of control.

Six years into the busine Read More
How much should I ask for? Especially in the early days of your business, that’s the most stressful question. Demand too much and you might drive potential customers away. Ask too little and you’ll dig yourself into a hole with razor-thin margins. Here are five questions to ask to get a better sens Read More
New entrepreneurs often see their new business as their baby and they want to be the one that cares for that business baby and helps it grow. They have trouble giving up control of anything, taking others’ opinions to heart, or asking for help when needed. However, just as “it takes a village to ra Read More
PR is an important channel to get the word out about your startup. It not only is a way to get more customers, but it is also important for recruiting, business development, fundraising and your overall company morale.

Although it can be a difficult channel to crack initially if you decide to do Read More

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