Colin_N_Clarke voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Here are a few suggestions that can make your employees more productive and loyal, and happier! Believe it or not, your business can benefit from getting its team members out of the office. Read More
By February, most people have already abandoned their New Year's resolutions. Here are six ways you can create habits that will stick and help you achieve your goals. Read More
Achieve your goals and be more productive in 2018 with a morning routine that works for you. Here are just a few tips to get you started! Read More
Are you feeling less than motivated these days? Here are a few ways you can ditch the ho-hum attitude and embrace the New Year ahead. Ready or not, here's come 2018! Read More
As a business owner, how can you avoid sabotaging your own productivity? Here are several ways you could be hurting your business. Read More

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Productivity? - Tweak Your Biz

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Productivity? - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by jforknell under Strategy
From 2464 days ago
Made Hot by: LoopLooper on October 6, 2017 5:09 am
Nine things business owners do to sabotage their productivity, including trying to do everything themselves, obsessing over the wrong issues, rehashing old topics, and more! Read More
Use people analytics to learn more about your business. How efficient is each department in your business? How well are your people delivering your service? What's the quality of big decisions made in your organization? Find out these answers and more! Read More
Having a hard time filling jobs locally? What if you could hire remote workers instead? What if you could hire the best candidate to fill your open positions by looking outside of your immediate geographic area? You can and here are a few tips to get you started. Read More
Millennials aren't happy. Here are a few things you can do to create a culture that answers to the needs of each employee in your business. Read More
Here are 10 unique productivity hacks you might not be using (yet), including #3, give more to technology and #5, say no more to multitasking! Read More

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