Colin_N_Clarke voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you haven’t done an internal audit on the type of business technology you’re using, consider today your day to get started. Here are a few of the hottest types of small business technology that could make your office more productive and your business more profitable. Read More
It’s taken you years to build your business. You’ve created, iterated, launched, and now you’ve reached a point where you need to keep moving your company forward. How do you do this? Here are 10 ways to foster an innovative culture in your company.
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10 Ways to be Happier at Work - Tweak Your Biz

10 Ways to be Happier at Work - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by jforknell under Human Resources
From 2711 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on February 5, 2017 1:30 pm
If you want to boost job satisfaction and get your employees more engaged, here are ten things you can do to combat common happiness drains from your workplace. Great for small business owners and managers! Read More

How to Promote Equality in the Workplace - Tweak Your Biz

How to Promote Equality in the Workplace - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by jforknell under Human Resources
From 2740 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on January 5, 2017 6:29 pm
What can your business do to promote equality in the workplace? This article looks at hiring practices, recruiting, employee evaluations, and even work hours. Start the new year off with a fresh perspective. Read More
Around 70 percent of employees are not engaged at work. Here are 10 things you can do as a business owner or manager to get your employees more engaged and re-focused. Read More

12 Fun Holiday Gifts for Your Employees - Tweak Your Biz

12 Fun Holiday Gifts for Your Employees - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by jforknell under Human Resources
From 2802 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on November 5, 2016 2:21 pm
Not sure what to get your staff this holiday season? Here are some fun gift ideas that will delight your employees. Read More
A few tips to help you make the most of your networking events so your time pays off. Set goals not quotas, focus on long-term relationships, ask questions, ask for an introduction, and more. Read More

How to Help a First Time Manager Survive - Tweak Your Biz

How to Help a First Time Manager Survive - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by jforknell under Human Resources
From 3102 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on January 10, 2016 11:38 pm
Some tips to help your first-time manager get pointed in the right direction to help avoid burnout and frustration. Read More

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