Dagmar_R voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The four best pieces of business advice I ever got

Avatar Posted by Dagmar_R under Strategy
From http://www.eddielogic.com 3228 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on September 30, 2015 7:31 am
In the course of our working life, we sometimes come across some words of wisdom and advice that simply stick. They give us guidance and help us to overcome obstacles. In this post, I share the four most valuable pieces of advice that helped me in my professional development. Read More
When building a strategic plan, entrepreneurs must understand their industry and their competition. One way of analyzing these is through Porter's 5 Forces. Here's how it's done.
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Humans can live and dead, but businesses can live even longer when the lifespan is altered. Learn the stages of growth in a business... Read More
Next to Buy Now, what is the most profitable click your business can target? Subscribe.

Once you build an audience (of email subscribers), anything is possible.

The bad news is … getting your visitors to sign up is a struggle – one that many online marketers never overcome.

In this post yo Read More
Don't save creative thinking for last-minute brainstorming sessions - make it a way of looking at your world. This infographic will help you change your thinking, down to your brain's chemicals, so you can embrace new solutions and your next great big idea. Read More

Why you should waste time in order to save time

Avatar Posted by Dagmar_R under Strategy
From http://www.eddielogic.com 3243 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on September 12, 2015 8:56 am
The business world is trimmed on maximum efficiency. Why would you waste your time when there are plenty of support tools, designed to help you become more efficient? At first sight, this advice looks counter-intuitive.
However, it actually is an excellent advice. Read More
Reasons why entrepreneurs who are great delegators will always see their business grow faster and generate more profits than those who are non-delegators. Read More
Trust plays an important role in long term success of companies. Read More
In his TED Talk, Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe, Simon Sinek presents the “Circle of Safety.” It’s the idea that by working together, we create a safe environment in which we can get things done. In the Paleolithic era this meant sleeping in shifts so that someone could watch for danger while Read More
Setting an atmosphere in which innovation is encouraged is often highly correlated with the long term success of a company. Read More

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