DigiTechBlog voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Moms are twenty percent more likely to use social media than the general population. Not only are they users, they are big contributors and act as influencers, early adopters, and leaders in online media. This article talks about why moms are into social media and how they are demonstrating a stron Read More

Personal vs. Business when it comes to Social Media

Personal vs. Business when it comes to Social Media  - http://www.thesocialmediahat.com Avatar Posted by mallton under Social Media
From http://www.thesocialmediahat.com 4076 days ago
Made Hot by: tcamba on May 14, 2013 7:56 pm
Social Media is so integrated into every aspect of our lives, the lines between personal use and business use are being blurred, and this is resulting in sometimes negative consequences. How do we better define those lines? Read More
If your business is involved in food in ANY way, here are 4 quick and easy ways you can use clever marketing to your advantage to get more market share Read More

2013: The Year We Put People First?

2013: The Year We Put People First?  - http://proseotalk.com Avatar Posted by DigiTechBlog under Online Marketing
From http://proseotalk.com 4076 days ago
Made Hot by: InvernessGlenn on May 12, 2013 2:19 am
Seems to me that it’s time for some change. My wish for 2013 (and the years that follow) is that I come across, read about and hear about more and more people in positions of power choosing to put people first.

People before profit, before political party lines, before religious rigidi Read More

Warning: Neglect These Five Elements of Wealth at Your Own Risk

Warning: Neglect These Five Elements of Wealth at Your Own Risk - http://deep-think.org Avatar Posted by DigiTechBlog under Marketing
From http://deep-think.org 4076 days ago
Made Hot by: consultpage on May 11, 2013 11:49 pm
Every poor man wants to be rich…
Every entrepreneur wants to accumulate wealth…
Even the beggar outside your house wants to have money at his beck and call…
But the thing is that it doesn’t always work out as planned. Read More

How Often Should You Post and What Length

How Often Should You Post and What Length - http://www.dialme.com Avatar Posted by Copysugar under Online Marketing
From http://www.dialme.com 4077 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on May 9, 2013 8:07 pm
I have been reading a lot of articles recently that suggest a post should contain a certain number of words, and that you should publish new content often. Many Read More
By Greg Fry

Chris Gordon is the founder of the Irish Export Cooperative. It was set up to reduce the cost of exports for Small Medium and Micro Enterprises in the Republic of Ireland. Chris effectively came together with a number of SMEs and negotiated better terms with couriers. These terms gi Read More
BizSugar CEO, Anita Campbell, shares some of her hard-earned lessons and insights for growing an online publishing business and building a startup. Read More
I came across this awesome guest posting opportunity five minutes ago. Literally, five minutes ago. Five minutes later I wrote this post. Why? Well, I will discuss below, as my first line item. You learn things as a blogger, things which promote your success. Read More
Something terrible happened to one of the students in my class last week. In just a short period of time, the Google rankings for his primary keywords went from page 1 to completely out of the search results altogether. Read More

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