EntrepreneurStories voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Put in a lot of hours from the start and focus on the marketing – when you start a business it’s 80% marketing and only 20% doing business if no one knows that you are doing it you’re not going to get business. You have to be ready to market.  A lot of people get intimidated because they are too sh Read More
We analyzed four businesses Facebook pages to find out what makes a fan page popular. Our test subjects were small business owners from a variety of occupations who each employ a different Facebook strategy. All of the fan sites have been operating for over two years, and all of the administrators Read More
We are Quoc Bui and Michael Moon. We’re your typical “Two guys in a garage start a business” (http://www.elance.com/p/two-guys-in-a-garage-build-a-business-with-elance.html) . We got into apps in 2009 at the age of 26. The difference between us and the rest of developers is that we didn’t program a Read More
Andrew Pallett is on the fast track to success. His online clothing store Urban Alpha was recently awarded by the Shell LiveWire judges panel for its great work. Andrew is slated to appear on the BBC in the upcoming months and he truly has what it takes to carry his company to high places. 1. Give Read More
Did you know that literally every successful business owner has failed before they achieved success? No one likes to talk about it, but it's true. See what they learned from that failure. Read More
Here's your chance to learn from a brilliant young mind. At the age of 18, Felipe has started multiple successful companies and his "web intelligence" is off the hook. Read More
Want to be your own boss, but don't know how?
Get tips from people who've done it and want to help you out. Read More

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