FrankenBlogger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

10 Employee Engagement Ideas for Skills Based Volunteering

Avatar Posted by causecast under Human Resources
From 4474 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on July 6, 2012 1:38 am
These days, many companies offer corporate volunteer programs that allow workers to connect with nonprofit volunteer opportunities across the street or across the world. Find out 10 ideas on how you can institute skills based volunteering. Read More

Rock Your Biz With Our Contest On

Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Rock Your Biz
From 4474 days ago
Made Hot by: tallpoppy100K on July 5, 2012 7:35 am
Join us for the Rock Your Biz Competition June 28 through July 30, on our sister site, to learn some great tips on how to take your business to the next level with online networking, blogging, or social media, or join the contest to gain exposure for your company and a chance to win so Read More
I keep repeating it. Your success in social media (and elsewhere) depends on your hard work, commitment, patience — and most importantly on how caring and respectful you are towards your audience.

I follow a lot of Fan Pages on Facebook and spend some time every day observing how they connect wi Read More
As someone who has worked in the design industry for many years it’s horrible to come across site after site with awful logos and headers. Of course as a blogger I also understand why this has happened. The budget often isn’t there to pay a professional and with all the tools available why not give Read More
Get your email communication right up-front. If you don't, this article gives you three tips to manage your reputation. Read More

15 Print Ad Examples of Text and Image Design

Avatar Posted by intotheblackbox under Advertising
From 4476 days ago
Made Hot by: vpontejos on June 28, 2012 7:04 am
This post is a good round-up of 5 copy-only, 5 visual-only, and 5 copy and visual ads. This shows the difference and the strategical use of each. Read More

Corporate Volunteerism for Incurable Cynics

Avatar Posted by causecast under Human Resources
From 4476 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on June 29, 2012 4:18 am
Use employee recognition to win over your typical cynics. Find out here in more detail how to cure even the most incurable cynics of corporate volunteering. Read More

4 Tips For Picking Great Small Business Names

Avatar Posted by tmerrill under Marketing
From 4477 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on June 29, 2012 4:39 am
Most small business names are trademarked or protected in some way. So, it can seem daunting to find a name that does not step on anyone's toes while still being memorable enough to attract boat loads of customers. Here are 4 tips for naming your small business. Read More

Rock Your Biz with Our New Contest on

Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under News
From 4477 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on June 29, 2012 4:45 am
Why settle for a humdrum small business when you can make your business rock instead, with tips from your friends at the community?

Join us for the Rock Your Biz Competition June 28 through July 30, here on, to learn some great tips on how to take your business to the n Read More

Text and Image Design: Copywriting vs. Visualization

Avatar Posted by intotheblackbox under Advertising
From 4477 days ago
Made Hot by: cdevera on June 28, 2012 6:13 am
Depending on your target market and message that you want to get across, design your ad appropriately whether copy or visual only ad. This post will guide you into knowing just how to do that. Read More

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