FrankenBlogger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Learn how to use Pinterest for your business starting right from the basics through to using it strategically to gain more traffic to your website. Read More
It's very easy to get comfortable with social media sharing, but we need to be careful when using social media for business. Here is a 30 second check you can do before every social media post to help protect your social media reputation. Read More
Arthur Piccio, Public Relations and Small Business Coordinator for UPrinting, said he and the print shop he serves share their clients’ small business spirit…and a certain underdog pluck!... Read More
Many entrepreneurs get their ideas while employed somewhere else. But a surprising number don't really think things through.

Read on to learn how to develop your business ideas while still employed- the right way! Read More

How To Write A Great Mission Statement

Avatar Posted by sbcmurphy under Management
From 4525 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on May 12, 2012 3:56 am
Your mission statement is the mantra at the heart and soul of your business. Writing a compelling mission statement can convey what you're all about to customers, vendors, and even investors. Read More
Facebook has 750 million users. Twitter over 140 million active users. Google+ has more than 25 million users.

These people are your potential customers and you can reach them on social media, because that’s where they are spending their time!

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New environments bring new terminology. If your stuggling to make sense of some of the new terminology that comes with online business, then heres a quick resource to have you up to speed. Read More
I celebrated my 10th blogiversary on May 7. I have published 2675 posts. My intention is to continue to publish stuff on EGO blog for at least ten more years... When is your next blogging milestone? Please send me tips on how I can take my blogging to the next level! Read More
Google panda update was the new development which role was to put a stop to any site which had poor and content of low quality. Read more . . . Read More
The need fill a void in the Internet advertising industry, and make a great online business idea; learn from Ad2Charity, a business that does just that. Read More

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