HITVirtualAssistants voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The willingness, even the ability, to compromise is a good thing. But just like anything we try to balance, it is easy to go too far in either direction. Read More
To become a thought leader in your niche, you need to work harder and smarter. In today’s blog, learn 8 ways you can achieve your goal of being an authority in your field. Read More
>"We and no one else are totally responsibility for ourselves, our attitudes, our beliefs, our words, and our actions. Anytime we try to rationalize and justify our own behavior based on something someone else says or does, we are headed down a dead end road." Read More
A thought leader is essentially a well-known, recognized expert in a given niche. Why you should strive to reach this status. Read More
Vacations Are Important for Work/Life Balance. You want to get, or stay, in balance? Take your earned vacation and focus on your family. Read More
Entrepreneurs who use Facebook for marketing have struggled recently. Facebook changed how it decides what shows up in users news feeds and organic reach hit rock bottom. Read More
Today I’m completing my in depth discussion on promoting your blog. The final two methods discussed are social bookmarking sites and content curation sites. Find out what each of these tools are and why you should use them to promote your blog. Read More
Obtaining and maintaining life balance requires a conscious commitment, it requires conscious choices and actions. Read More
Where do I promote my blog? Continuing my blog series with how to promote your blog through social media. Get your blog read by using these tips. Read More
In our relationships we can "choose" to grow together or "allow" ourselves to grow apart. Choose where you invest your time. Read More

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