HITVirtualAssistants voted on the following stories on BizSugar

See families expand their business tool kit and have some real conversations about the family dynamics that can destroy a good business. Read More
The global and more dynamic economy of the 21st century requires executive talent with a more complex skill set. In response to this challenge, family businesses have a renewed interest in succession planning systems. Read More
It’s difficult to combine business and personal issues but a family business patriarch or matriarch is forced to deal with both at the same time. This presents a family business challenge when the family leader is pressured to perform according to the expectations of his family. He can be pressured Read More
Are you a new entrepreneur trying to fill your client list? The toughest job entrepreneurs face is filling their client list. Try these 10 ways to find your ideal client. Read More
As a family business coach, on occasion I find it helpful to remind my clients to remember work/life balance. This is one of the challenges of a family business. In a family business we are essentially playing three games at once, the internal game, the family game and the external game. Read More
Five Tips to Get More Clients. Whether you are providing a service or selling a product, you must have customers. Landing clients for your business can seem daunting. It will take time and a lot of hard work on your part. These five tips will help you achieve your goal of being the owner of a thri Read More
When relationships are strong, you have family members who work better together, communicate effectively and consider the goals of the family business in their actions. Read More
How do you get your target audience to notice you? What will bring Jane Ideal Client to your website so she can see how valuable it would be to work with you or buy your product? One of the best ways to fill your client list is to start blogging.
Don’t know the first thing about blogging? No wor Read More
How do you make your family business environment conducive to team building? If you’ve been modeling your family team approach after company family-wide competition you will likely find it is only effective with a minority of your team. Read More
Entrepreneurs Experience Impressive Results with Mobile Marketing. 64% of adult Americans own smart phones. Your traditional marketing campaign will not be effective with mobile users. This market requires some tweaks to your plan. Read More

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