HeatherStone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The key to small business finance is understanding the numbers. What are your profit margins? What are your labor costs compared to the money you're bringing in? Does your business continue to have enough money to pay its debts? From an international wine appraiser to a fast food restaurant to a theatrical lighting company, effective small, or la Read More
Ebook Internet marketing for small business, whether the ebook you create will be sold as a product or used for marketing purposes, begins with locating search engine keywords appropriate to the topic in which you are interested. To get started, Scott Brooks of HowToWriteEbooks.net has created this video showing how to use the "Ask" search engin Read More
On the surface the "structured to go broke" is an absurd concept, since all industries and companies are structured and designed for success. Right? If they weren't structured for success, from a Darwinian perspective they shouldn't exist. However, I'm pondering whether the very nature of some industries/companies, predispose them to be structur Read More
Business.com is doing a study of the business social media landscape. Take survey to include your business and get free report. Read More
In this video, part of a series called "Who Pops Your Popcorn", business consultant Rod Alan Richardson of www.rodalan.com gives a wonderful overview of marketing for small business. In the interview, Rod insists that marketing is particularly important in small business where, he says, there is no room to delegate the responsibility to someone Read More
Buffet is indeed one of the greatest investors to ever walk the face of the earth, and his strategies and ideas carry tremendous weight.   He influences the influencers and very often his beliefs are taken out of context and therefore misunderstood and lead to stock bubbles.  Read More
The idea is to create a strategy, implement your plan and then duplicate the process over and over again. Read More
Do Executive Summaries create an incentive or disincentive to read white paper content? That was the question posted via a Twitter polling site last week. You can see the results of this poll, and three key points that will help you to craft better Executive Summaries for your white paper. Thanks and I welcome your feedback. Jonathan Kantor Read More
We all know to be healthy, we are supposed to eat right, get exercise, drink water and sleep. It sounds so simple to say. Yet in this century of life on the run, it is not so easy to do. Many of us work in positions that leave us in front of computers, behind desks and much more. Many work in positions that never let them slow down for a proper me Read More
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn and 5 tips for Facebook) I'm covering some tips for business use of Twitter here. I've actually written about some of these tips in great detail before in this free ebook - Twitter for Business, but this can act as a quick primer for folks who like their info sn Read More

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