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6 Essential Social Media Tools for Start-Ups

6 Essential Social Media Tools for Start-Ups - http://sgentrepreneurs.com Avatar Posted by biancaaquino under Social Media
From http://sgentrepreneurs.com 5427 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on August 17, 2009 2:17 pm
If you are starting up a new company that primarily goes from business to consumer, without a big budget in marketing or PR, your best chance for getting your message across will be via social media. Most start-ups or major corporations which adopt social media tools to market and engage their customers in Southeast Asia, are essentially in the IT, Read More
For almost two years, industry publications and experts have been talking extensively about what is happening and why when it comes to social media. In many cases stories focus on how the “world is coming to an end” as consumers take the power of branding away from the brand managers and chief marketing officers and start owning viral perceptions Read More
Think how successful business people got connections and built relationships in the 1940's, 1950's, the 1960's, the 1970's, etc. I'm talking WAY before we had Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. etc. I'm talking way before computers. Hey, I'm talking even before Bill Gates was born!. To build success in business, you have to build quality rel Read More
This article under Small Business on CNNMoney.com explains why small businesses fail. But if you were expecting writer and entrepreneur Jay Goltz to tell you just one or a couple of reasons, forget it. Instead Jay suggests that entrepreneurs MUST be their CFO's without handing the money managing tasks completely to a bookkeeper because only the e Read More

Growing your business from solo to enterprising entrepreneur

Growing your business from solo to enterprising entrepreneur - http://www.5min.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Self-Development
From http://www.5min.com 5427 days ago
Made Hot by: on August 17, 2009 6:11 pm
Business expert Dr. Susan L. Reid talks about growing as business from solo to enterprising entrepreneur. Reid suggests if you are uncomfortable with the idea of hiring employees, think instead about creating a team. She also suggests meeting regularly and transforming your financial advertisers into a strategy team and bringing other experts in a Read More
QR Codes. In Japan, they're just about everywhere and they have transformed the way brands interact with consumers. They feature on TV advertising, business cards, products, websites, newspapers, magazines, posters, direct mail, outdoor ads, and even graves! In a Japanese survey conducted way back in 2005, 73.3% of respondents advised that they ha Read More
Tips for small business advertising include an understanding that not all advertising can be expected to increase sales directly. Check out the following article from Entrepreneur.com appearing in thestreetadvertising.com. Other objectives for an advertising campaign might include raising awareness, product recognition and brand loyalty. Remember Read More

What is a Tweetup?

What is a Tweetup? - http://www.closingbigger.net Avatar Posted by McLaughlin under Social Media
From http://www.closingbigger.net 5427 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on August 17, 2009 3:46 pm
A Tweetup is: * A gathering of people who use Twitter * It can be a general geographic Tweetup like a Tweetup of people in Vancouver * It can be a Tweetup for a cause where Twitter friends organize a get together to do something for the community * It can be topical such as a Tweetup for martial artists, cyclists or people who are in the socia Read More
You run your own business. At some point, you want to cut some costs in order to streamline a little your cashflow. With a little bit of attention, you're able to cut 5000$ from your expenses. The real goal is to provide value through your business, not to measure your success by your economies. Read More

Social Media is a Culture, Not Just a Strategy

Social Media is a Culture, Not Just a Strategy - http://leftthebox.com Avatar Posted by McLaughlin under Social Media
From http://leftthebox.com 5427 days ago
Made Hot by: heatherwills on August 17, 2009 1:13 pm
We all know the basic buzz words of social media, “Twitter Marketing, Facebook Strategy, Community Building”. The problem with these terms are they allude to an idea that once you build a strategy for these platforms, you'll be able to fully leverage social media. As much as people may disagree with me; I believe that before a company can fully us Read More

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