Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

True content marketing is about publishing content that is designed to grab the attention of a specific group of people: your target audience. Read More

Help Me Get Sales From A Website Now Please

Avatar Posted by Inspiretothrive under Online Marketing
From http://inspiretothrive.com 4063 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on August 10, 2013 4:05 pm
A Website – It should generate traffic and sales once it’s up right? The question has come to me several times over the years on how to make sales online. I will admit – it has gotten harder to make sales online. Yes, you would think the older your website is, the easier it would be, right? Not so Read More
Facebook is a popular social networking website at the present time. A large impact is created by Facebook on various e-commerce businesses. Read More
Before we get into the how, lets begin with the why. Why would you want to have more followers on Google+? Well, of course to get more comments on the stuff you share, more interactions and of course to get more +1′s, which is the most influential social signal in SEO according to the latest report Read More
When you have kids you suddenly realize how much free time you really did take for granted before you had them, however I have to say that these days I’m also a lot more organized than I ever was, and that’s the key to being more efficient and productive, regardless of the size of your enterprise, Read More
An honest break down of starting a business, collecting clients and learning about the faults of the clients and myself. Read More
If you live in a city, market research firms estimate you see around 5,000 advertisements a day. Considering this constant bombardment of information, you might wonder how to get the message of your small business heard through the noise. Read More
Are you a YouTube video creator?

YouTube is looking to level the playing field for smaller publishers and has released a bunch of new features to help optimize and promote video content, as well as manage a channel. Read More

How to Manage an International Business

Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Strategy
From http://www.blogtrepreneur.com 4064 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on August 7, 2013 11:43 pm
Running and managing an international business is no small feat. Some of the challenges that such a business is likely to present include different Read More

How Social Media Marketing Can Be Planned to Save $1000s

Avatar Posted by sophia2 under Social Media
From http://socialmediatoday.com 4064 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on August 6, 2013 12:56 am
As someone running a web services agency, I need to keep an eye on almost everything occupying the mind of my team members. Read More

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