Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Backlink monitoring is necessary if you want to keep an eye on your site's main backbone - backlinks. It's common to lose backlinks from time to time but when multiple links are lost or removed within a short period of time, search engines like Google see it as a strong signal that such links may h Read More

Why Your Business Should Start Podcasting

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From http://egonetcast.com 4058 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on August 14, 2013 6:00 pm
By Daniel Adetunji:

According to Comscore statistics, males between the ages of 18-24 more likely download podcasts via Itunes… I was amazed at a report by Mediaweek. It was estimated that podcasting generated over $400 million in Ads in 2011, and the doubled has tripled in 2013.

According to Read More
We all know that google is now strict when it comes to adsense approval. Back in the days when google adsense approval is as easy as ABC even without a blog post on your blog but nowadays, any slight change in their terms and condition or adsense program policy will lead to automatic disapproval. I Read More

Laser Focused

Avatar Posted by GabeJohansson under Self-Development
From http://gabejohansson.com 4059 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on August 16, 2013 4:41 pm
Ever have something so set in your mind that you won’t stop until you make it happen? I’ve been working pretty hard on this one task for the last few months, but it wasn’t until recent that I became laser focused on it. It seems that I will work harder on something the more “real” it seems. Read More

10 Cool Chrome Extensions for Social Media Management

Avatar Posted by dhirajdas under Resources
From http://linktons.com 4059 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on August 14, 2013 11:41 pm
Like it or not, Social Media is part of our daily life, if you run any blog or any other venture than Social Media becomes even more important looking at the great marketing prospect of Social Media. Read More

How Does Your Business Grow?

Avatar Posted by IntelBoutique under Management
From http://intelboutiqueblog.com 4059 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on August 15, 2013 12:31 pm
Take time to build that business and think about the future as much as you think about the present. You want to have a strong and loyal customer base? Take interest in their needs and connect instead of transact. Wanna make money with your business? Remove your focus from money to the quality o Read More
Research shows that only a small percentage of companies have truly linked their social media programs with money-making efforts. Read More

Seth Godin: 'If You're Not The Customer, You're The Product'

Avatar Posted by jeffyablon under Marketing
From http://answerguy.com 4060 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on August 14, 2013 6:51 pm
Where's Your Choke Point?

A huge truth in Influency is this: If You're Not The Customer, You're The Product. Marketing Guru Seth Godin has something to say about it. Are you listening? Read More

4 ways to handle employee absence problems

Avatar Posted by devan under Management
From http://www.enmast.com 4060 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on August 14, 2013 7:51 pm
Every business owner runs in to employee absenteeism at one point or another. What do you do when an employee keeps calling in sick or coming in late? Brad shares! Read More
Many U.S. small businesses today turn to part-timers and temps to grow their business, Obamacare is perceived as one of the main driving factors of the trend. Read More

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