Heather_Stone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social Media is the “great communicator” for brands trying to reach out to their consumer base. What they often overlook is using the social media platforms to effectively target and promote their etailers and retailers. Read More

Vine Facts: When Do People Use Vine? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Social Media
From http://dashburst.com 4069 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on August 1, 2013 4:50 pm
Since launching in January 2013, the six-second video publishing app Vine has become one of the most popular apps in the mobile market. It took just three months for the app to reach one million users. In April, Vine was the most downloaded app in the U.S. from the Apple App Store, according to Neo Read More
SEO for small business includes getting your information across all social channels, and utilizing the unique features that will help your business get found. Read More

What You Need To Know About Unique Article

Avatar Posted by AmyJordan under Online Marketing
From http://www.uniqueblogging.com 4069 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on August 1, 2013 9:52 pm
Unique article is a phrase every blogger knows. For your blog to stand out from the crowd, your content needs to be unique. Now let’s ask a popular question which very few have ever asked. The question is, “What is unique article or content and how can someone write what is unique?”. Read More
As studied by Brene Brown, entrepreneurs who embrace vulnerability are the ones who are able to take on risks and accept defeat without giving up.
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Make An Income Online With The Quick Start Challenge

Avatar Posted by DigiTechBlog under Online Marketing
From http://jkoch.me 4069 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on August 8, 2013 4:39 pm
Today I’ve made a decision to start this personal blog in a different way than I started mygreatonlinebusiness.com. I’m challenging myself to get it reasonably running within 4 weeks. Read More
What is reputation management? How can you actually achieve a highly profitable reputation online and build a strong personal brand? Read More

Stop Being Lazy With Your Social Media Posts

Avatar Posted by BOTSolutions under Social Media
From http://getbackontracknow.com 4070 days ago
Made Hot by: WorkSpace on August 7, 2013 2:26 am
Be original and write something different for each social media platform you are on. If you have followers that follow you on each medium you're on they don't want to have to keep reading the same thing each place. Read More

Book Review: Marketing to Millennials

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From http://www.v3im.com 4070 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on August 3, 2013 3:36 pm
Whether you work with millennials or they're part of your target demo, add Marketing to Millennials to your must-read list. Zena Weist explains why. Read More

WordPress Users: Check Your Website Speed with GTMetrix Plugin

Avatar Posted by mmangen under Marketing
From http://www.v3im.com 4070 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on August 3, 2013 3:26 pm
Your website's loading speed doesn't just matter to users--it's important to Google, too. WordPress users, try adding the GTMetrix plugin to your site. Read More

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