IndustryNewsCorp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As the world changes, it is vital that businesses adapt. By reviewing your company regularly, you can better evaluate your own carbon footprint. Read More
A nasty virtual fight erupted recently between Fitness SF, a gym in San Francisco and web designer Frank Jonen. And if you work as a contractor, there’s some valuable lessons to be learned amid the drama.

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Here’s an example of what happens when companies turn a blind eye to those waiters, salespeople, mechanics, office manager, and others who have direct, missed-opportunity customer engagement.
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An article on various techniques you can use to discover and then evaluate sites as guest posting opportunities. Read More
When outsourcing, there is one thing that’s slowing your Virtual Assistant down: It’s the lack of instructions.

Learn how to fix this situation and get the results you are looking for. Read More
How can one business charge much higher rates than an another offering the same goods and services? Framing is the surprising answer. Read More
Too many business owners fail to ship until it's too late. Constantly tweaking and improving. However, perfect Is The Enemy Of Good Enough - Big Red Tomato Company Read More
Stop feeling and start thinking is the start... making money online is just like a regular business - takes passion, time and money...
the rest is written in the article... Read More

Online Business Valuation: Any Solutions Available?

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Resources
From 4233 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on February 28, 2013 1:18 pm
It seems that many business owners do NOT have a basic understanding of the valuation process. Here are the solutions to business valuation. Read More
Pictures, slide shows, videos etc all attract more attention from visitors to your website. This article explores how to do it. Read More

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