IndustryNewsCorp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This article is one of three parts exploring different business behaviors to help you sustain and grown your business. Read More

100+ Words To Make Your Headlines Attractive and Tempting

100+ Words To Make Your Headlines Attractive and Tempting - Avatar Posted by gabuzee under Online Marketing
From 4145 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on February 20, 2013 5:56 pm
The importance of headlines can never be over emphasized because headlines is what your potential readers will first come in contact with and it will either pull them in or send them away. If your headline is well crafted, it will bring the potential reader to your blog and if not, they will just l Read More
Can the new IBM supercomputer really change the face of modern medicine? This article explores how it potentially could. Read More
Every year the debt collection industry generates far more consumer complaints to the Federal Trade Commission that any other. These mounting complaints led the FTC to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the debt collection process. That study highlighted what the Read More

5 lessons to learn from Nike’s marketing

5 lessons to learn from Nike’s marketing - Avatar Posted by marketingnerd under Marketing
From 4145 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on February 22, 2013 7:21 pm
Despite it's age, Nike remains a brand that is able to closely associate itself with the young, active and fashion conscious. I wouldn’t underestimate how rare and difficult it is for a brand to achieve this. Here are 5 lessons you can take away from Nike’s marketing. Read More
Bloggers are peaking and going to start dying off soon as companies measure ROI and don't see it coming back with giveaways, freebies and reviews. Here is what you can do to help prevent your site from dying off when the blogging bubble bursts. Feel free to comment and leave your own tips or advi Read More
In this article, I will share with you tips on how to set a goal with a partner and your responsibilities toward your goal as well as your partner. Take note that I’m not only talking about a partner in the sense of an intimate relationship. You can also set a goal with a friend, a best friend, or Read More
No matter what type of business you operate, it’s safe to say you provide a valuable product or service in exchange for compensation. Read More
LinkedIn is a social network that sometimes gets overlooked even by the heaviest internet users. This is a big mistake! So many professionals are now turning to LinkedIn as a primary source of information for job candidates. Read More
As Social Media and Online statistics continue to grow you need to think about preparing your children for tomorrow’s world. As brick and mortar businesses continue to flounder and more companies hit the net, the skills necessary to succeed online will become more vital than ever. Read More

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