JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Bloomberg will close their social networking site, Business Exchange (BX) and will introduce a new social site, Bloomberg Current. Read More
Did your website get hurt by Google’s Penguin 2.0 update? Are you afraid your organic traffic has been sliced into a fraction of what it once was?

Fear not (for now) – This post will give you some insight and ideas to prevent and remediate the dreaded “Google slap”.

What is this Penguin thing Read More
There are times when it makes sense to hire an SEO specialist to help you optimize your site, and even to help you get a little help from links. Before you hire just anyone, though, you should ask potential candidates the following questions: Read More
My end of the week blog and I had to post today about EMDs and what they really mean for SMB owners and how they can be totally misleading. Huh?

First, what’s an EMD?

This acronym stands for an ‘exact match domain’ as in when you buy your domain name you think ‘keywords’ ahead of brand and y Read More
Blogging is a powerful business tool for engineers and A/E/C firms. Need topic ideas? Tap into Reddit, a veritable goldmine of content. Read More

Q-and-A: Why it's better for marketers to be

Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Online Marketing
From http://smartblogs.com 4087 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on July 17, 2013 8:46 am
In a recent interview on SmartBlogs, Jay Baer talks about his new book, Youtiity, and why marketers need to let go of their obsession with going viral. Read More

How To Quit Your Job And Start Your Own Business – Part 1

Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Startups
From http://rahulvarshneya.com 4087 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on July 16, 2013 11:58 pm
This Part 1 of a 2-part article series lays out the foundation for quitting your job to start your own business. Read More
Okay, it’s Monday and my morning has been busy busy busy already…which to my way of thinkinng will lead to one busy week too…so today’s post is short but I thought it apropos to recap some interesting items that have appeared on my Canadian SEO world horizon.

There’s many of course…too too many Read More
The Harvard Business Review published a great article last month based on Gallup’s latest – State of the American Workplace. One of the shocking conclusions – 67% of Americans have been disengaged at some level over the last 12 years! Read More
Promotional products and trade shows usually go hand in hand. Many exhibitors give away promotional products and many attendees expect to get some neat gifts. With some careful planning, trade show exhibitors can get the most out of the giveaways that they offer at a trade show, getting them repeat Read More

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