JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Marketing executives cannot bank on one viral video. Campaigns must be sustained and engaging to current and perspective customers. Katie Clem, who made the viral video of her daughter's reaction to the announcement of a Disneyland trip in 2011, told the New York Times it's all about luck. She went Read More
Pebble launched its Pebble Time Kickstarter campaign one week ago today. The campaign reached a million dollars in less than 20 minutes, and continued to raise money at an alarming rate for a week straight.

Following this morning’s announcement of the Pebble Time Steel, The Verge reports that th Read More
Manage everything easier when you use gratitude. Amazing things happen when you thank everyone and everything. Read More
To find motivation, the easiest an entrepreneur can do is by learning and practicing great wisdoms and quotes. Here are five of them to inspire you. Read More
You've heard that making sales is “an art, not a science.” It's a popular cliché, especially when someone's trying to explain a failed decision in retrospect. When someone trots out that line, what they're usually saying is that “it's probably a science, but I haven't figured it out yet.” Read More

How to Become Your Industry Expert

How to Become Your Industry Expert   - Avatar Posted by JulieWeishaar under Online Marketing
From 3409 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on March 9, 2015 11:52 am
You don’t have to be the originator or all the content you provide to your target market. YES original content is important so you should definitely provide as much original content as you can. However, there are many other ways to help establish yourself as your industry expert. How? Read More

Jared Easley on the Podcast Movement [podcast]

Jared Easley on the Podcast Movement [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 3409 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on March 7, 2015 11:24 am
The Owner's Mind podcast with Chris Brogan.

Listen to Jared Easley tell me about the Podcast Movement, Starve the Doubts, and whatever else we got to talking about. :) Check out Owner's Mastery Foundation Group afterwards. Read More
More site visitors are accessing your website from their smartphones and any other types of mobile devices. How to respond to the mobile trends? Read More
The world of digital marketing is a vast one in which we can easily get lost. Because of all the advances and changes in technology, it can be hard to keep up on all the latest trends and methods encompassed by digital marketing. Read More

Pros and Сons of YouTube Video Hosting for Businesses - Tweak Your Biz

Pros and Сons of YouTube Video Hosting for Businesses - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by epromotors under News
From 3409 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on March 5, 2015 8:23 am
When we say “online video”, we always think about YouTube. That is no longer a surprise that almost every company – from a small legal entity to a huge corporation runs their own YouTube business channel. Read More

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