JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Thinking of outsourcing? Think only of the Philippines. In this article, we tell you 10 reasons why.

The Philippine Business Process Outsourcing industry has grown by leaps that the country is now known as one of the top outsourcing destinations in the world.
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Aspiring businessmen can definitely come up with brilliant business plans to venture with. However, these ideas never come into fruition because of the thought of needing a huge amount of money for funding. Read More
As 2014 ended, marketers discussed business trends for 2015. As always, their predictions seemed more or less accurate and, in most cases, terribly obvious. For example, I’ve read that in 2015 marketing will “shift from globalization to personalization”. Sounds impressive, but wasn’t the concept of Read More
As 2014 ended, marketers discussed business trends for 2015. As always, their predictions seemed more or less accurate and, in most cases, terribly obvious. For example, I’ve read that in 2015 marketing will “shift from globalization to personalization”. Sounds impressive, but wasn’t the concept of Read More
Learn how to remove password protection from PDF files in two easy ways, using a free tool and Google Chrome. Read More
Offline vs. Online marketing. is one necessarily better than the other? Which one provides better return on investment to small business owners? Read More
A lot of marketers are calling this the "Year of the Pixel". In this post, I share the EXACT steps you need to take to add Facebook tracking pixels to your Wordpress website
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5 Pivotal People You Need In Your Digital Marketing Team

5 Pivotal People You Need In Your Digital Marketing Team - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Marketing
From 3410 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on March 5, 2015 3:06 am
Building your digital marketing team will allow you to expand your promotional efforts, bringing in the additional revenue that will enable you to bring on others in the future. Read More

Reputation Management: Eight Steps for Online Repair Spin Sucks

Reputation Management: Eight Steps for Online Repair Spin Sucks - Avatar Posted by lkpetrolino under Public Relations
From 3410 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on March 6, 2015 10:48 am
Reputation management is a hard thing for many organizations to understand because it's not measurable. Gini Dietrich provides eight steps to get you going Read More

Time Hacks to Make The Most of Your Screen Time

Time Hacks to Make The Most of Your Screen Time - Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Success Stories
From 3410 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on March 5, 2015 11:20 am
When I first connected with Richard Martin I thought to myself, “What a savvy marketer,” and “Wow – what a nice guy!”

Richard is known for being forthright and honest. He’s been around the block and has a boatload of experience. Enjoy Richard’s time hacks to make the most of your screen time – Read More

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