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Click here to get 266 Instagram hashtags that will help you promote your business. Learn how to get more traffic using the power of hashtags on instagran, but not just any hashtags, get the best o... Read More

8 Insights For Startups To Attract Angel Investors

8 Insights For Startups To Attract Angel Investors - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3417 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on February 18, 2015 8:17 am
Most entrepreneurs have found by now one or more of the many popular crowdfunding sites, and have the name and contact information for at least one of the big venture capital firms. But many have no insight or connections to the ethereal angel investment community, which actually funds more startup Read More
It’s about the research.If you’re sure the franchise opportunities you've landed on so far are a good fit for you, it’s time to reach out to individual franchisees of the franchise concept (s) you’re looking into. And, call franchisees. Read More

9 Top Tips To Avoid The Email Junk Folder - Tweak Your Biz

9 Top Tips To Avoid The Email Junk Folder - Tweak Your Biz - Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Online Marketing
From 3417 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on February 18, 2015 7:27 am
How can you ensure that your email marketing campaigns are reaching the right people? Here are nine top tips to avoid the junk folder and get your emails in front of the eyes of your audience. Read More
Traditional marketing can still be effective nowadays. But to make your overall marketing campaign more effective and competitive, you have to make digital marketing an integral part of it. If you’re not yet harnessing the power of digital marketing for your business, you are missing a lot of golde Read More
Are you aware of your own power? If you aren't, you should be because you're missing out on so much ease and happiness. Try to imagine your perfect life experience and then imagine it's already real. Forget everything else and imagine how would that feel... That is actually doable and it's much eas Read More

12 Social Media Marketing Tips To Master

12 Social Media Marketing Tips To Master - Avatar Posted by StuartJDavidson under Social Media
From 3418 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 17, 2015 12:54 pm
Are you using social media marketing to help grow your business? Here are 12 social media marketing tips to master to maximise your online marketing. Read More
Shushu, a senior copywriter at BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Tel-Aviv, has created an ad agency infographic creatively setting out the habits of the average advertising creative, based on a questionnaire he sent to his 128 fellow workers at the agency. All the photos appearing in this infographic were tak Read More
What day do Brazilian salespeople work the hardest? How are Germans different to salespeople in the United States? How can a salesperson " beat the market"? Pipedrive dug into data to find out. There’s no agreement about the best day to sell or prospect. In an article for Forbes, the sales writer C Read More
What day do Brazilian salespeople work the hardest? How are Germans different to salespeople in the United States? How can a salesperson " beat the market"? Pipedrive dug into data to find out. There’s no agreement about the best day to sell or prospect. In an article for Forbes, the sales writer C Read More

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