JoshRed voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The art of email segmentation is an aspect of yourThe art of email segmentation is an aspect of yourbigstock-Colorful-Fruit-Jelly-Candies-I-44598469 marketing program that you cannot afford to ignore. marketing program that you cannot afford to ignore.

If for no other reason than that this is Read More
There are two types of people in the world: those who like updating resumes (some might even say they enjoy it) and those who despise it. Regardless of this reality, maintaining an updated resume is something that all working professionals need to do whether they like it or not. After all, you neve Read More
It’s easy to think that your social media channels must be about you and only you. You are promoting your brand, after all, so why wouldn’t you want readers, followers and fans to be focused on what you have to offer? A huge shift in digital thinking is happening, and it’s called content marketing. Read More
So while the general trend has been towards a recovering economy, most employees have yet to feel the impact in their pockets. Read More

8 Entrepreneur Mindsets That Investors Seek Out

8 Entrepreneur Mindsets That Investors Seek Out - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3422 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on February 16, 2015 4:16 pm
An entrepreneur is literally “one who creates a new business.” The best new businesses are ones that have never been done before, so mastering creativity and recognizing creativity are key skills and mind-sets. But how does one recognize and nurture creativity in a person or team? Read More

10 Tools to Power Your Digital Agency

10 Tools to Power Your Digital Agency - Avatar Posted by benacheson under Online Marketing
From 3422 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on February 15, 2015 8:56 pm
A leading London digital agency reviews a range of productivity tools. From time-management to applications that help you to get the most out of the web. There will be something for your business here. Read More
You will need capital to take your amazing idea for a new business to the next level. But how in the world do you know which of the many funding options is right for you? By looking at the most popular options along with the pros and cons associated with each, that’s how. Here are some of the fundi Read More
Before you just go with what is most common, stop and consider the following 5 mobile payment options for your business. You might be surprised at what they have to offer: Read More
Here's a simple, yet effective process for making more sales online. Avoid the mistake that a ton of marketers are making that is costing them sales and annoys their would-be customers to death... Read More
In today’s competitive market, if you want your competitors to outperform your business, then stop all your business social media activities. This is why social media is a global phenomenon that no business can do without. Read More

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