KristieWeltmermsh voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Millennials are the largest market segment for Hotels to tap into today. The possibilities today are endless. How to Draw Millennials to Your Hotel Read More

The Revolution of Standard Procedures for Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Strategy
From 2872 days ago
Made Hot by: joannw2016 on November 9, 2016 9:12 am
Standard Procedures used to be firmly planted in the realm of corporations.

They were (and often still are) thick manuscripts of dense checklists and instructional material. Point 1.1 referring to point and on and on.
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4 Tips for Effortlessly Onboarding Remote Employees

Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Human Resources
From 2872 days ago
Made Hot by: bockmary7 on November 10, 2016 2:34 pm
For all the benefits that remote workers can bring to your company, onboarding remote employees can be much more difficult than traditional hires. You need to consider everything the usual onboarding process entails and more. To name just two of the issues, human beings in general are harder to mot Read More
As visual storytelling becomes more popular, platforms such as Instagram are being embraced by marketers looking to be different. Read More

What is Quality Control? An Introduction for Software Companies

Avatar Posted by shatekpatrick under Technology
From 2872 days ago
Made Hot by: ferdiepre13 on November 9, 2016 10:15 am
For software companies, failure doesn’t always have such wide implications but it can mean carelessly shipping a product that creates catastrophic problems for your customers and destroys their trust in you. And of course, it’s a pain in the arse for your development team to fix. Read More
Regardless of what your preferred marketing channel is, we have put together a list of 27 Christmas marketing ideas you can use to add some sparkle to your holiday marketing and sales strategy... Read More
The specter of innovative decline is one with a long history! We can all name well-known businesses that began with a world-changing product introduction and innovative technology and, over time, changed to become dependable, successful companies, sans the excitement. Once a company has become know Read More
Way back in the early eighties, I was privileged to be part of the original IBM PC development team, led by Don Estridge. He was a great leader, and one of very few who have even been able to dent the barriers to real change in a large corporation. We struggled with the differences between intrapre Read More
If you’re a Dungeons & Dragons aficionado, and a blogger, too, have you ever noticed that both activities use a lot of the same skills? It may not seem like it as first glance, but there’s actually a lot of overlap in the two hobbies (besides their geekiness!). If you have the skills to build an ep Read More

How First Impressions Impact Employee Retention

Avatar Posted by ferdiepre13 under Human Resources
From 2873 days ago
Made Hot by: BenMulholland on November 7, 2016 4:26 pm
Effective onboarding processes for new employees can make all the difference in the world when it comes to retaining employees. Understanding how first impressions impact employee retention can greatly change how you conduct your employees’ first day of work.

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