LadySophy voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The A to Z of Social Media: Part Two

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4195 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on March 31, 2013 6:32 pm
As I've mentioned previously Social Media can be very daunting when you are just starting off. It does take time and perseverance to get it right so don't expect to get an immediate result.

These tips should help you use it effectively. Read More

Create Social Media Buzz with Empire Avenue

Avatar Posted by mallton under Social Media
From 4195 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 1, 2013 2:14 pm
Empire Avenue includes an extremely effective tool, called Missions, that you can use to get other Empire Avenue users to help share your latest blog and social media posts. Find out how. Read More
When you work from home, you're always balancing the demands of your family and your business. It can be even more difficult to juggle those responsibilities when you have younger children, who require much more of your time and attention. Read More
How to find a healthy balance inside your free time (between your projects and your family). This balance is very important when it comes to your family's well-being. Read More
It seems like all you are hearing about right now is AuthorityROI, right?

That's what I call "incredible marketing" - I need to learn me some of that...

And what is Authority ROI, you might ask yourself?

On the surface, Authority ROI sounds like another blogging course.

And I, for one, Read More

How to Demand ROI from Business Planning

Avatar Posted by under Strategy
From 4195 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on March 31, 2013 8:25 pm
By Tim Berry. You don’t always get positive value back from what you do. Business meetings often cost more in wasted time than what they generate in information or business decisions. Many sales and marketing programs cost more than the dollars they generate.

So what about business pla Read More
Successful marketing mostly comes down to relationships. Here are six tips to help you create new contacts, expand your reach and grow your blog's audience! Read More

Slim Chance in a Fat World*: Can Entrepreneurs Help? 

Avatar Posted by kirchnergroup under Startups
From 4195 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on April 1, 2013 9:38 pm
It seems paradoxical that two of our major life-threatening world-wide challenges are at opposite ends of the nutrition spectrum. At one extreme, increasing portions of the world’s population are at risk of under-nourishment and/or starvation. Read More

5 Reasons Why Independent Business Owners should Join Biznik

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Social Media
From 4195 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on April 1, 2013 8:18 pm
Biznik is a one-of-a-kind business social network for independent business people. Find out why I endorse and recommend Biznik for you. Read More
How important is technology to today’s small business? So important, according to the recently released Brother Small Business Survey from Brother International Corp., that 75 percent of small business owners say a crashed computer disrupts their business more than a sick employee.
Read More

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